
Sunday 31 March 2013

Happy Easter | Easter Holidays Day 3

Happy Easter Everybody!

Hope you have had a lovely day doing whatever it was that you did. 
Hope everybody got loads of chocolate to last them a life time, if you gave something up for lent, what was it like to eat/drink/do that again?

I didn't actually give anything up for lent this year but I did get a lot of chocolate!

This is only going to be a short post to wish you all a Happy Easter!

See you tomorrow for Day 4...


Day Out with my Best Friend | Easter Holidays Day 2

It's Day 2 and today I have been out with my friend. I took my kite out with us so we had fun flying that, we took some pictures - some will be on my tumblr blog, link at the bottom - also, we went for a little walk and then went and sat on a bench by the water and had a little talk for a bit.

Here's some of the pictures we took, I've cropped and edited some of them so here they are:

See you tomorrow for Day 3 - EASTER!



Sleepover | Easter Holidays Day 1

Hey everyone, I've set myself a little challenge for this Easter holidays, I am going try and post a little update/summary of what I do each day.

Today is Day 1, I have been shopping with my Mum and I saw some nice clothes for summer. My best friend is staying in my house tonight and we're going to go out tomorrow!

See you tomorrow for Day 2...


Friday 29 March 2013

Easter Holidays

So, I have 2 weeks off school for the Easter holidays so hopefully I will post more frequently, I dont actually have any ideas but if I get some I will post when I can!

Have a wonderful Easter if I dont post before and enjoy whatever it is you've given up for lent on Sunday!


Dear Past Self...

Dear past self,

I don't like you very much. I am often embarrassed to watch videos of you and you think you can sing and dance. If I could, I would like to travel in time to the past and meet you and cringe at pretty much everything you do. I'd like to see what you thought of present me and maybe we would get along if you didnt annoy me too much.
I can't change anything now and I had a good childhood so I wouldnt change anything anyway.
Just remember, you're not a spice girl or a member of girls aloud so when somebody gets a video camera out or someone starts to record on their phone, sit down and stop because it might seem cute to the older members of the family, but its embarrassing.

Lots of love,

Present Self x x

Hello everyone, hope you enjoyed reading my letter to my past self, I did thing I was a pop star then but that's all I wanted to do.
If you liked this please let me know and I'll write a letter to my future self next week

Thank you
Have a lovely weekend!


Thursday 21 March 2013


I know that it's not Friday, and I'm not making excuses to post early because I do have a post for you tomorrow, but this is an extra little mid-week bonus post.

Today, March 21st, is the 7th birthday of social networking site twitter!

Being a frequent user of twitter I was excited for twitter to celebrate 7 years. This is just a short post to wish twitter a very happy birthday and if you use twitter then go and tweet using the hashtag #Happy7thBirthdayTwitter

Tomorrow, is FRIDAY, drag yourself out of bed and listen to a bit of Rebecca Black.


BBC School News Report

Hey everyone, a blog post on time!

Yesterday was BBC School News Day and I participated in my schools news reports.  Myself, Georgia and a friend of ours made two news reports in our group. One on body image and the other one about Twitter's 7th Birthday!

Both were successful, however, on some interviews we did, there was too much background noise so that didn't get chosen. I was the editor and put the report together, so we made a decision to cut out the interview that you couldn't hear very well. That improved it and so we asked if we could change our body image report, which had been selected to go live, for the now re-edited Twitter report.

By 4pm the full report was up on the BBC School News website. Visit the website here:  and see if you recognise anybody from your school reporting.

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy whatever you decide to do.


Sunday 10 March 2013


Hello Everyone,

This is just a quick update to tell you what's going on with me.
I do have a Mother's Day themed post that im going to try and get up tomorrow, I'm going to show you all what I prepared for my mum for Mother's Day.

Also, I had an audition today for Grease which I may mention in my post tomorrow.
And one more thing I need to mention, from now I won't be posting quotes on a Sunday anymore, I'm sorry about that.
See you tomorrow (if I remember)

I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend and you've spoilt your mum's today!
But before you go to sleep or maybe in the morning, just say a quick prayer for all those without their mum's today. God bless.


Saturday 2 March 2013

Help Me Out

Hello everybody!

I haven't had nothing to write about this week and I didnt want to write about just anything or something boring, so if you have any ideas or there's anything in particular that you would like me to talk about, please let me know in the comments because I dont want to go weeks without posting something because I have no ideas so if you suggest something I'll get it on here for you.

Also, if there is a post that you like that you would like me to do more of because I dont know what you like and what is boring!
Have a lovely weekend!
