
Monday 13 January 2014

A Birthday Gift Idea: For Anyone

Hey everyone,

So before I begin today's post, I want to just say that last Monday, my blog turned 1. I have been writing this for just over a year now and I love it. People still read my posts and are still interested in what I have to say/show. I want to say a huge thank you to everyone that has read this, even if it has only been once, thank you. If you read every post, thank you. Or if this is the first post on my blog that you have read, thank you. I hope you are al here to stay and I appreciate the time you take to read posts on here.

So, anyway, today's post. Yesterday was my Nan's birthday and my Mum had bought her some presents but boring adult ones that she'd bought I wanted to do something that was a bit more thoughtful, quick, and easy to do.

I don't actually know the title of what this is called so I'm going to call it "Finger paint tape canvas" because realistically, that's what it is.

You will need:
  • A Canvas
  • Some different coloured paint (I used acrylic)
  • Paint sheets
  • Plate
  • Tape 

First of all, you choose what your canvas to say. I chose 'Love' a simple thing that anyone appreciate. Take some tape and stick it down in the shape of the letters.

Next, in your work space, set out your paint on a sheet with a plate to squirt your paint on.  

Then, choose some colours and squirt them onto your plate. Make sure your plate isn't a good one and you are allowed to get paint on it. 

Go Wild. Rub your finger and hands into the paint and make prints all over your canvas.

Before your paint dries, carefully peel off the tape to reveal the letters underneath.
This is a really simple and quick diy gift to make. You just wait for it to dry and it's good to go.

Hope you have enjoyed this idea, very fun but very messy, as long as you take care to cover the work area, it will be safe.


Monday 6 January 2014



Wow! 2014 already, I hope you enjoyed last year and if you have been reading since then, thank you and I hope you continue through this year. If you're new here, a warm welcome to you, I hope you stay and get to experience this with me and my readers.

I could so a really stereotypical New Year Resolutions post about keeping fit, eating healthy, blah blah blah... but we all know nobody ever sticks to them and I know I certainly don't so I've come up with something different.

New Years Resolutions Alternatives.

Because I will never stick to anything lifestyle-based, I have decided to do this. I have made a short list of 6 leisurely things that I want to achieve this year. Nothing academic or worthwhile....

Let's go:

1) Learn something I've never been able to do.

I don't know what I will do for this, there isn't a lot of things that come to mind when I think "I've never been able to do that!" so I will have to have a think about this one. I do however think it is good to learn new things even if they're simple things like riding a bike that you've just never done. Now's the time to go for it.

2) Do at least 1 good deed per day.

Rather than these resolutions be about me and how I want to improve myself, why not do something for other people.
I don't feel as though 1 good deed is asking for much - that's if I remember, and who knows what I'll get in return?

3) Save up.

I have recently got myself a paper round. If that phrase isn't familiar to you, newspapers are delivered to my house and I go and deliver them to the customers that have their papers delivered.
I have decided I am going to save and save and save if I can and think about doing something wise with my money. I have some ideas but I'm not going into that now.

4) Try a new food each week.

I don't do the shopping for my house so I don't buy the food so I'm thinking this one may be slightly difficult, however, I'll give it a try and see how I get on.

5) Keep up my photo album/photo book.

I received quite a few photo album/scrapbook type things for Christmas this year and I want to try and document good parts of 2014 in one of them. I feel as though now-a-days, we don't print as many pictures as people used to when they had film cameras and I certainly don't print as many as I'd like. I am going to make the effort to make these books of memories and even if it means printing from home, I have no issue with that.

6) BONUS ALTERNATIVE - Get my photo taken in five interesting places.

I am looking forward to this one a lot. I don't know where 2014 is going to take me. One of my highlights of last year was getting the opportunity to visit Devon which I loved. Hopefully in 2014, I can travel to new exciting places or new calm and relaxed places and get my photo taken to keep as a record.

I hope you have enjoyed this post and maybe it has inspired you to do some resolution alternatives if you're not very good like me. I don't seem to have a lot of contact with my readers and I wish I could have more. I'd love to hear about how you are doing with your New Years Resolutions or if you tried some alternatives, what were they?

You can tweet me or follow me @connellaoife_
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Follow my instagram @connellaoife

You can find me on most social networking sites as connellaoife.

Best wishes for 2014 and speak to you guys very soon.
