
Monday 17 March 2014

Log Cabin Break

Hello everybody,

This weekend I've been on a little holiday to Cumbria in the Lake District to a log cabin from Friday until Today. It's been such a lovely peaceful but busy weekend, I've done a lot but it's all been so lovely and I've seen some lovely places and revisited old places that I used to go.

Obviously, I took my camera and on Sunday morning I went for a little 9 O'Clock morning walk with my camera and then my Dad followed and met me. We started throwing rocks in a river and trying to capture the splashes and some of them turned out really well. And then we all ended up out and about having a walk around the site later on when my Mum and Luca came to find us. Because it was still a bit early on Sunday morning, it was a bit gloomy and hadn't brightened up yet but before we left today I took some more pictures that look a lot brighter and spring-like.

I hope you've enjoyed looking through these few pictures I wanted to share with you and hopefully if the weather starts to brighten up a bit here in England I might be able to go out more often and take some nice spring pictures and get more blog posts up.

But that's all for now, speak to you soon
