
Sunday 24 November 2013

Day In The Life: Painting

Hello everyone, 

So I hope you enjoyed last weeks Day In The Life, I do have another one this week from last weekend. Kayleigh was painting her room so I offered help and she decided she wanted me to go and help. So I did. This this is what happened.

Okay, so first of all, I was up at 8:55 and I picked out some very old clothes that I don't wear to paint in. 

Showered, dressed and bag packed, I headed out and walked to Kayleigh's house, earphones in and wrapped in my scarf.

Another blurry picture like last weeks reoccurring ones. It was a lovely morning and this was quite an autumnal road (I do hate the word autumnal but there was no other way to put it). 

Then, when I arrived after 35 minutes, we began peeling off the wall sticker so we could paint. Little to my knowledge, her grandad hadn't yet been with the paint so we had a lot of time to waste before we even had any paint.

Therefore, this resulted in a walk to the local Tesco supermarket. I didn't pick up a basket so I walked around with many items in my hand.

We spent more time than we probably should have by these cute innocent smoothies with wooly hats on. Our favourite one was the green one in the middle. It's hat is just so cute and autumn themed, which I love.

Then we had a fangirl moment over how cute these bottles of cloudy lemon were. Look how nice they are. But we were unsure why everything in the particular section were in packs of 2. I'm not sure if you can see it but around the middle of these bottles, there is some cellophane that's keeping them together. 

Time to pay and finally get out of the shop. Despite previously looking very healthy with my smoothies and packets of fruit, I am scanning a chocolate doughnut here (above).

There's that smoothie which if I remember correctly was Tropical Fruit and if you have a Tesco supermarket near by where you live and you like most fruits, I recommend this to you and I think it's 2 of your 5-a-day.

So when we'd arrived back at Kayleigh's house. We had paint! So it was into scrubs and get going.

Of course, it didn't go as smoothly as intended and we ended up with very dirty hands covered in paint.

This was a result of our messing about which is quite cute to be fair but not productive. 

We were painting a dark purple wall white so it took a good few coats and because of how late we got the paint, we didn't have enough hours to finish the job so we left a patchy room and my mum came and picked us up to take us back to my house as Kayleigh couldn't sleep in her room.
So that's pretty much how my day ended, I had sweet and sour chicken for dinner if you care at all and then we watched Mamma Mia, went to bed, scrolled through tumblr and laughed until 3:00am. 

So thats a wrap. See you soon.


Friday 15 November 2013

Day In The Life: London

Hey everybody, 

So after a very very stressful and looong week, I finished it by going to London, but I'm not explaining in too much detail because I decided to do a Day In The Life which explains everything.
So, here is my, at times, very blurry Day In The Life: London.

I began my morning at 5:25 - got up, washed, dressed and tried to be as quiet as possible.

I went downstairs, packed my bag ready for the journey and got my drink ready for the train. If your interested in what was in my bag for the journey, it was: my book "The Difference A Day Makes" by Carole Matthews; My doodle/mini sketchbook (which I may show you one day in a post), my camera, my earphones and some biscuits and my drink.
The taxi came at 6am and I headed for the train station.

This was my early, sunrise train journey which took about 2 hours. I took only this picture on the way there, I spent most of my time listening to music and doing other things.

I then went to Oxford Street and done some shopping and then went to a food court for lunch and had a Pizza Hut pizza and KFC chips. It tasted as good as it looks.
Obviously, nothing goes as smoothly as you hope so after lunch, I slid my rubbish off the tray into the bin, walked out of the food court, into some more shops and realised that my brace wasn't in my mouth. 
I ran back to the food court with my Mum and she asked the cleaner if he would take the bin out, kindly, he did and my Mum expected him to find my brace wrapped in tissue in the bin but instead he brought her a fresh pair of rubber gloves and she had to do it herself. I found my brace and did NOT put it back in my mouth. 
It was once of my most embarrassing moments, I felt as though the whole world was watching as my Mum searched through the bin. True Story.

This is a delightful picture of some Christmas decorations on Oxford Street outside Primark and Tottenham Court Road Station.

Next and final stop was Harrods. If you don't know Harrods, it is a huge department store which sells everything but can be quite expensive depending on what you're looking for.

I found these really cute 'Beanie Ballz' in the toy department and felt as though they had to be a part of this post.
Fun Fact: I saw the creator of Moshi Monsters too who was there signing his books.

Harrods clearly made an effort with the Christmas lights and I am a fan of the trees with lights on that you can see in this picture.

Now for some super-blurry "I'm running through London undergrounds" pictures.
I can't remember what station this one was at, I visited quite a few during the day. This is getting from one station onto an underground to another station.

Underground Map check to see which line we take to Euston.

Please stand on the right as we go down the escalators to catch the tube.

No seat, as per usual, but a surprising amount of breathing space around me, I was not squished against an unamused stranger. Hanging onto this pole for my dear life.

Fast pace walking, carrying bags which I am surprised got a decent photograph (to be honest, it did take a few go's but this isn't bad) as I run into Euston station to get home.

More escalators.

More of this nonsense. 

Wow, very blurry picture. If you live in London or you have visited there before, you'll know how regular this process is. Insert you ticket, catch it at the top, run through before the barriers close and run to catch your train.

I then came up the escalators out of the underground into Euston station...

...and went into 'Ritazza' got a Mocha Iced Frappe and carrot cake and waited for my train home at around 7ish.

Woah. That was long. Believe me, the day went much quicker than this post seems to have gone. I had a great day except for having stomach cramps for the first 2 hours and almost going home. I'm glad I didn't because it was well worth staying.

I thought you might have enjoyed this because I think I have wrote 2/3 London posts already and there's eventually only so many things you can take pictures of before I start repeating myself so I thought this would be a bit different and a more enjoyable idea.

I really enjoy doing Day In The Life posts personally so I might do it each weekend when I have something interesting to share. Hope to see you again this weekend and you can see what I've been up to if there's anything in particular.


Saturday 2 November 2013

"You Learn Something New Everyday"

Hello, happy Friday lovely lot,

As you have probably heard, people often use the phrase "You Learn Something New Everyday" I had a think about this and for this week I have made a list of something new I've learned each day. Whether these benefit you in anyway, that's a matter of your own opinion.

I am older than Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google, Wikipedia and YouTube. I'm 16 and that makes me feel OLD. I knew previously I was older than Google and I think Wikipedia surprised me the most because that's what I use to research historical figures so I though it was old.
You will never need this to benefit your life.

On Tuesday, the Youth Theatre that I am a part of were visited by a screen and play write, Morris (sincere apologies as I have forgotten his surname and feel rude calling him by his first name only). After asking a few questions, "What do you do about writer's block?" shortly appeared. Morris gave us some advice for writer's block so if any of you reading this are aspiring writers and you suffer from this, take note. He advised that if you think you have writer's block, write something. As silly as it sounds, it is best to write something, it doesn't matter what it is, for example, you could write a quick shopping list, write a list of people you like/hate, get up from your desk and walk around your room or make yourself some tea or whatever you drink - this can often trigger your train of thoughts again.

It is better to take a shower than a bath. Firstly because you are bathing in your own dirt, but also now that Global Warming is a worrying aspect of the planet, saving things as much as we can can benefit this. Taking a shower will waste less water. Even if you feel like you have been in there for a long time it will still be not yet enough to fill the bath.

People always remember the first and last thing they hear or read. This is extremely useful if you are coming up to exams in English in school, when you are answering, make sure you cram lots of good features in the beginning of your answer, maintain a high standard throughout and then finish with something that will stand out for the examiner.
Similarly when applying for jobs, writing out briefs about yourself or having an interview. Mention some very employable traits at the beginning and end so the employer remembers that.

The name 'Wendy' is a made up name. This was infact made up for the movie Peter Pan. before the film, there was no previous record of the name Wendy.
That's going to help you in no way whatsoever but it's something I've learned and I hope it is a new fact to you too.

Well guys, I know that was a little bit different but I hoped you enjoyed it, I did and I found it really interesting to remember new things you learn, even if they are useless rubbish.
I'll be back very soon guys, bye.
