
Friday 13 September 2013

Get To Know Me A Bit Better

Hello everybody,

I was just recently thinking that I've never really done a 'Get To Know Me' sort of post, I don't feel as though I have 'fans' as such or anybody who reads this that follows me on twitter so I couldn't ask people to tweet me questions to do a Q&A so I thought I'd answer a few general questions and do some fun 'this or that' questions.


Hair Style?:Hair down with the front clipped to the
Food?:I really like apples... does that count?
Alchoholic Beverage?:I don't drink
Store?:Ressurection/Urban Outfitters 
Animal?:Rabbits & my friends associate owls with
Movie?:Too Many but I do love Mannequin - that
never gets old for me 
TV Show?:Hollyoaks, Bad Education, Russell Howard's
Good News
Book?:I had to read 'To Kill A Mocking Bird' and that's
quite a good book.
Music?:Mixed but not a very wide range
Song?:Too many songs to name one
Band/Artist?:The Vamps, Bastille, Selena Gomez, Macklemore
Website?:Tumblr, Pinterest...?

Well that was quite nice, I've put not applicable for Mall and State because I live in the UK and I've never been to America. The fact that I live in the UK might be the answer to why if you're a European reader you mightn't know the TV shows I've mentioned etc...

This or That

Soda or Juice?:Juice
Music or Internet?:Internet, I listen to music on the internet too.
Rock or Rap?:Rap?
Dogs or Cats?:Dogs
White or Black?:Monochrome
Myspace or Bebo?:Neither
Phone or I-pod?:Phone
Curly Hair or Straight Hair?:Curly Hair
Lap-Top or Computer?:Computer now, Laptop is breaking
Corded Phone or Cordless?:Cordless
Mountain Dew or Pepsi?:Don't like any
Pen or Pencil?:Pen
MP3 Player or I-pod?:iPod
Phone or Internet?:Internet...on my phone
Single or Taken?:Single
School or Work?:School


What do you do on your spare time?:Watch YouTube videos
What do you wish you had more time for?:My friends & the internet and I would like to read more
Whats your usual clothing style?:Skinny Jeans, Converse boots, t-shirt or shirt
Whats your usual hair style?:Down, curly with the left side (to me) clipped back
What are you wearing?:Skirt, tights, big jumper, Converse boots
Are you single or taken?:Single
If taken, by who?:Nobody....
Who would you die for?:Woah! Family, Kayleigh and my husband and kids when
I have them

What do you think of one night stands?:I don't really have an opinion on them to be honest.
Whos your best friend?:Kayleigh ^
How long have you been friends?:4 years
How did you and your best friend meet?:In school, I don't really remember how
but that's okay because I don't think she does either
Do you have any pets?:Yes
If yes, how many?:1 rabbit
Do you plan on getting married?:Yeah, probably
Do you plan on having kids?:Maybe
If so, how many?:1 or 2?
How old do you wish you were?:16/17 so I can get into places without needing an adult.
 I'm nearly 16 anyway so I should stop complaining.
If you were to be anywhere right now, where would you be?:I would be in Africa or America if I could be.
Why?:Because they're the two places I would really love to visit.
Ever gone Camping?:Yup
Have you ever caught a fish and ate it?:Nope
Have you ever gone water skiing?:Nope
Have you ever gone water tubing?:Nope
Have you ever gone skiing on a mountain?:Nope
Have you ever gone tubing on a mountain?:Nope
Have you ever gone Snowboarding?:Nope
Ever gone to church?:Yeah
Ever gone to a famous water park?:Not really
Ever gone out of State?:I was never in a State...
Ever gone out of the country?:Yes
When was the last time you left town?:I'm not sure how I answer this
Anything you got planned for this weekend?:Yes
If so, what?:I'm going into town and I don't know about
Is this survey curing your boredom?:Yes, thank you
Do you resemble anyone famous?:I don't think I do, no-one tells me I do
Are you related to anyone famous?:No, not really
If so, who?:
Do you think your hott?:Absolutely!! No, jk, I don't, no.
Do other people think your hott?:Ask them not me
Do you think your skinny?:No
Or do you think your fat?:No, not anymore
Or just in between fat and skinny?:Let's say...happy?
What year were you born in?:1997
Ever been on a blind date?:No
What do you enjoy doing when your bored?:I just answered something like this didn't I?
Watching YouTube videos
What do you do in the summer time?:Go on adventures with my friends
Are you naturally tanned?:Unfortunately not
Or are you kinda pale?:Yep
Do you live in a house?:Yeah
Or do you live in a apartment?:No
What do you have on your mind?:October's Company magazine is lovely.
What time is it?:09:30 Fridsy 13th Sept. (I'm not superstitious)

There we go, that was fun and hopefully you enjoyed it too, when I feel like the time is right, I'll find some more questions and do another little random Q&A. If you wanna know me more or want to follow my everyday life, search connellaoife on everything except Twitter: @AoifeC15. I'm having some difficulties with the 'pages' tabs, they don't seem to be there and also it won't let any of you wonderful readers follow my blog! So, for the time being there is no 'Contact' page and no follow option.

I hope I'm able to sort this soon, but for now, have a lovely weekend and I'll speak to you soon.
I just want to add that the pictures I've used in this post I found on a Tumblr account:  I really love this blog so if you use Tumblr go and have a look at that, and don't forget to follow me while you're there


Tuesday 10 September 2013

Wembley, Selena Gomez Concert & Mystery Support Act

Hello , hello, hello,

This weekend I was in London for the weekend, I had an early start on Saturday morning and a good few hour drive down to London. 

On Saturday my 12 year old brother captained England at Wembley Stadium for the Danone Nations Cup, most of our family went to watch him and it was a very proud moment for everyone, I don't think it has fully sunk in to him what he has actually done and all without nerves. Over the past few weeks he has done countless interviews, spoken live on the radio, appeared in Match magazine, appeared on CBBC's Match Of The Day Kickabout and interviewed french football legend Zinedine Zidane. Non of this has phased him whatsoever and in all honesty he was more nervous going back to school on his first day of year 8. 

On Sunday I went to the Hammersmith Apollo to see Selena Gomez as part of my birthday present and I've purposely made the title a surprise because her supporting act was THE VAMPS!!!!! As if I wasn't already excited enough to see Selena, then I went and found out The Vamps were supporting and it was all a lot for me to take in.

The concert was indescribable, I cannot put into words how perfect that night was despite almost being late and missing The Vamps opening because of tube delays.
Multiple times I found myself being stared at by young children as if to say "why is that girl in tears and why does she know all the words to these songs...?" but never mind, that proves I'm a bigger fan than them - yep, I'm that nasty! Hahaha.

Unfortunately, I don't have any photos from the concert as I never took my camera and everything I have for memories are videos so I have nothing to show you, I do have a picture on my phone but it was a crappy, blurry one and you can't see Selena very well on it.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this and visually seeing it through some pictures, it was a fantastic weekend which I will cherish forever. I am so happy I got to see Selena AND The Vamps live and I am so proud of my little brother for what he has achieved.


LIMF and Meeting The Vamps

Hello everybody, 
I haven't had a break as such, I've just been pretty busy doing this and that but I'm ready to go and carry on writing for you all.

I did promise this post in the previous one which seems like forever ago but it's here now. During the summer there was a festival on in Liverpool called LIMF - Liverpool International Music Festival which was at the Pier Head in Liverpool and was hosted by Radio City - a local radio station. There was 1 stage and 10 acts, as soon as I found out that THE VAMPS were playing there, I had to go. If you don't know The Vamps or haven't yet heard of them, you're not welcome here. No, I'm obviously joking, they are a british band who began uploading covers on YouTube and now they have toured with McFly. 

At this point I didn't really care who else was on the line up because this was the only thing I was going for, obviously you care because you are still reading, so I'll tell you. This is not in the order they performed in as I don't remember but the line up was:

    The Vamps
    Diana Vickers
    Union J
    Eliza Doolittle
    Charlie Brown
    Little Mix

    That seems pretty good and trust me, it was, although I didn't know a lot of the songs from the other artists, the atmosphere was still great and everyone jumped and clapped along to the songs anyway. It went on from 1-9pm which is a long time standing up and as it got later it got busier and more cramped which wasn't great as I ended up standing on peoples bags and jumping on their feet and during The Vamps' set I knocked a phone out of a girls hand behind me, if you do happen to be reading this, I am really sorry, I did apologize when it happened but I don't know if you heard me or not.

    Anyway, as if that wasn't enough, the title has already given it away but before we went to the Pier Head for the festival we (Myself, Kayleigh and our friend Aimee - along with some other people we met there) were lucky enough to actually meet The Vamps. That is really strange to write and say but it did actually happen which I will never get my head around. If you know me personally, all my friends know how much I love The Vamps and how I am convinced I will marry Brad Simpson, to actually meet him, get a picture with him and hug him is just absolutely crazy. James, Connor and Tristan were all lovely - just how I would have expected them to be and we even met their cameraman Dean and their manager Joe which was incredible too.

    I'm sorry for rambling on about how great it was but I hope this has given you a bit of an insight into how good that day actually was, before all of this I knew I was a very unlucky person but after this, I don't think I could say that ever again.

    I am and will be entirely grateful for that 14 hours - I got into town at around 8am and got picked up afterwards at 10pm - my head was so so so sore and I could barely hear anything but it was absolutely so so worth it.

    There you go, this very long overdue post, my next one is another exiting one so I think it's your lucky day, haha, thanks for reading this down to this far, you are very kind to have pulled through all of that and I hope you can or will one day be able to relate to this.
    Don't forget to search The Vamps on YouTube - as much as I want to keep the to myself forever, you are being deprived so go!
