
Sunday 27 January 2013

Pictures as I promised!

Here we go! My snow pictures to go with Friday's post.

Bird footprints in the snow.

Some snowy trees in the park.

Close up of some snow gathered on tree branches.

My Rabbit enjoyed the snow I think.

Thank you for looking at these. I hope you liked them and again, I'm sorry they were late.


Quote Of The Week

Hello, it is Sunday which means a quote is due and I am aware that I haven't uploaded the pictures from Friday's post but I'm going to do that soon.
Anyway, quote!

"With confidence, you have won before you have started."
Now, I had rehearsals all day today and I was thinking when I got home how much I'd enjoyed working with my friends and talking to new people, and in all honesty, with out my confidence to audition or say to myself I'm going to carry on with this, I wouldn't be able to do this. Although rehearsals all day on a Sunday isn't great, I wouldn't have been doing anything else!

So for that, confidence, thank you.


Saturday 26 January 2013

Les Miserables

Well as usual im a tad bit late at writing this but i had a bit of a busy night last night...

That includes going to see Les Miserables with one of my friends.

Let me just say this to anyone who thinks because its a musical it will be awful...youre wrong!!
It is the most amazing thing ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cried like a baby through pretty much the whole thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The songs are amazing and youd think after a while it would get annoying but it doesnt it makes it completetly better.
The ending is like the saddest but cutest film ending ever!!!
I walked out with all my make up smudged down my face from crying so much!
Im planning to learn all of the songs so i can go watch it and sing a long!
Well anyway, i know this is really short but its  busy weekend for me again

Georgia xox

Friday 25 January 2013


Hello everybody! Is it Friday again!?

So over the past week it has begun to snow in England. Everyone loves snow, despite the accidents we are aware it may cause. I had fun in the snow this year, although snowball fights aren't really my thing as I have ridiculously bad aim. On a happier note, we got a day (and a half) off school and we made a snowman - but not your stereotypical snowman - huge snowballs on top of eachother, oh no, we made a snowMAN sitting in our garden.

I do have some pictures I took out in the snow, but my camera, knowing I was writing this and posting today decided to die on me, so I have no pictures right now but tomorrow or Sunday I will get my pictures up.

Adios for now! Speak to you soon...


Sunday 20 January 2013

Quote Of The Week

"Those who are the happiest, never did have everything. But rather, they are thankful for what they do have."

I love this quote because I am happy, i don't have everything, I dont come from a rich family but I am however, very thankful for everything in my life. My family and friends and everything they've both given me during my life.


Saturday 19 January 2013


Sorry im writing this a little late....I was a bit busy last night but i have time to upload now!!!

Well im gonna talk about the bracelets i got given to me....

and here they are!

These bracelets were given to me by my mums friends from work. Her husband decided to make them for me as a lovely present. I personally think they are gorgeous and better than anything from the shops. They pretty much go with everything!!!!!!!!!!!

I dont really know if he has a website or something set up but i do know you can buy them and i definately want more!!
I might even get them made for all my friends as a nice suprise!

Well i know its relly short and boring but i've had like 3 hours sleep! x

Friday 18 January 2013

I Went to Center Parcs

Happy Friday!

Last weeks post was early, I know, and i'm sorry! Also, my quote was late, i'm sorry about that too. But here's why...


I left on Friday - which meant I had no time to upload my blog post - and i was there until Monday. Now, because of the numerous trees that surrounded me, I was very short of signal - which meant I was unable to upload on Sunday.

There were lots of beautiful scenery, so I thought i had better take some pictures to show you. So, here they are:

These are the trees that surrounded our cabins. I thought they looked so nice and I loved that they were so tall, bear at the bottom and then normal at the top.

This is just a picture I took through some of the trees in the forest, I don't really have any sort of explaination for this except that I thought it looked nice..? 

This is a lake that was quite a good walk away from where we were staying, however, we managed to find it as it was right behind where we had stayed the time before. I particularly wanted to re-visit this lake as it meant something to me and also, I had previously written a description for my English GCSE about this lake. It was exactly how I remembered it except it was covered in a layer of ice this time...

...Which brings me on to say about half an hour after I took these pictures it began to snow and it was so beautiful. I got really excited and ended up going outside at about 10 or 11pm with my camera because the snow started to become really thick.

This was the view from outside my cabin door, surprisingly, you can see the snow falling, it wasn't so clear when i took it.

This is just through some trees along the top road by my cabin. The trees looked so pretty when they were covered in snow.

This is what looked like a very snowy Christmas tree. It's so cute.

This is a picture of some snow-covered leaves. I particularly like this picture because my dad threw a snowball at the leaves as i took the picture to catch the snow fall off.

I'm sorry that this post has lasted for so long but I had a lot to say. I hope you did manage to read up to here and you enjoyed it. My posts will be on time from now on unless I have a reason why. 

Thank You again!

Aoife x

Monday 14 January 2013

Quote Of The Week

"Tell me i can't do it and I'll show you i can."

P.s. I'm ever so sorry that it's late and my other upload was early but on Friday's post you'll understand why.


Sunday 13 January 2013

Quote of the week- G

No matter what happens in life be good to people. Because being nice is a wonderful legacy to leave behind.
-Taylor Swift

Friday 11 January 2013

Soap and Glory- G


Well since its Friday its time to write my first ever post for mine and Aoife's blog!

Seen as its my first post it wont be the best thing ever cause i dont exactly know how to start this if im honest but i'll give it my best shot and if you want to you can comment telling me how to improve, i would appreciate it.

This Friday im going to be talking about my favourite brand of beauty products...

Soap and Glory!

Soap and Glory is a British brand, created by boots but it can be shipped around the world...i think.

Theyre products have the most amazing smell and leave your skin feeling sooooo soft!

I have tried a lot of the products but i havent tried everything yet. Every Christmas, Birthday and Easter i get Soap and Glory products to add to my collection, which is too large to count at the moment.

Its not just the products i love its their creative names that make me laugh. For example the lipglosses are called 'MotherPuckers' and im sure they have a tanning product called 'Glow Job'. I would recommend Soap and Glory to everyone as i know my friends and family love there stuff too!

If you want to look at their website yourself heres the link...


Thursday 10 January 2013

Owl Trinket Box

So, I'm posting a day earlier this week because I'm busy tomorrow.

This week, I'm writing about one of my Christmas presents i got from a friend. It was a small, grey owl trinket box and i think it is so cute.

 I keep rings, necklaces and earrings in mine and despite its size you could fit quite a few pieces of jewellery in it.

These trinket boxes are from New Look and as it was a present i am not sure of the price. I was going to link the website at the end but i can't find these owls on the website!

Thank You for reading this. I hope you enjoy it and we both appreciate every view we get!

Aoife x

Sunday 6 January 2013


Hello there!

This is just a little introduction to the start of our blog. Every Friday we will both upload something we want to talk about. Also, every Sunday we will upload our chosen quote of the week.

Find Us

Twitter - @1DCanRockMe_
Instagram - @GeorgiaAlicexox

Twitter - @AoifeC15
Instagram - @ConnellAoife