
Saturday 26 October 2013

Wreck This Journal

Hello everyone, 

As you may or may not know, I received a 'Wreck This Journal' for my birthday. I've wanted one for quite a while and I finally got one and it has been a lot of fun. If you have read my previous post about Autumn, you'll know that on my bucket list is to finish my 'Wreck This Journal' therefore, I haven't yet finished it but I wanted to share some of the things in it with you guys.

This is quite a good stress reliever, believe it or not, I wasn't even stressed when I did this. I must just be quite a violent person.

This was quite an enjoyable page to do. I did exactly that and think I may have caused more damage to the wall because I got very into it.

This is a page of fruit stickers, I currently have a collection of 3 of Kayleigh's apple stickers.

Simple but effective.

Ooooh look how many different pens I tested out. Some nice colours too.

Well I just love stamps so I have a soft spot for this page. Delightful little stamps.

Pretty self-explanatory I'd say. 

Pen in my mouth - "My pen should be in my hand! Right?"

Write Backwards. See if you can work out what I've written. I'll leave the answer at the very end.

I don't know how well you'll be able to see this one. One of the instructions was to doodle on the front cover and a few other places in the book. I have some doodles on here e.g. I have a bowling ball (before the T), a hashtag by the S, some patterns in the top right hand corner, triangles/spikes along the top above the 'Wreck' and so on...

If you're thinking about starting one, I highly recommend it and don't be gentle because the aim is to wreck it. I hope you've enjoyed it and liked having a little look at some of the things I've done in mine so far. 

Hopefully I'll have some more posts coming for you soon.

Until then, farewell.


The answer to what I wrote backwards was: "This is harder than originally anticipated, BELIEVE ME!" If you were able to guess it, a round of applause for you, well done, and give yourself a pat on the back.

Friday 25 October 2013

Beginning of Autumn

Hey everybody, if you don't already know, I LOVE Autumn. It's my favourite season and it excites me so much.

I went to the park recently with Kayleigh to pick some autumn leaves and do leaf art with, unfortunately we didn't get round to doing leaf art but I got some lovely pictures that make me more and more excited for Autumn.

Look how beautiful and cute it looks! We also made an autumn bucket list which we wrote on a leaf. Incase you can't read it, which I can't in that picture, I've rewrote the list.

Autumn Bucket List

 Collect Autumn Leaves

 Park Hopping

 Buy Autumn things e.g. socks

 Leaf Art

 Leaf Catching Competition

 Complete Autumn Sketchbook

 Finish Wreck This Journal

I hope you've enjoyed reading this and it's got you in the mood for Autumn. Hopefully you're as excited as me. Have you made plans for Autumn? Have you made a bucket list? Maybe this'll give you some ideas and inspire you to do your own.

Have a lovely weekend and a wonderful Autumn.


Sunday 13 October 2013

Writing Letters

Hey everybody,

So I've been busy lately as it's been my birthday and I had a sleepover and party with my friends on Friday night and everything is kind of slowing down so I sat down today to write some thank you letters and I had been neglecting writing sets for a while. I already had the bow set but I had never used them and I saw the black and white ones while I was out shopping today and I had to bring them home with me.

When I got them both out, they were lovely paper and the envelopes were very different and unusual which I liked.

I really like writing to people and I have decided now that I'm going to write more often. Even if it's pointless things, it might mean a lot to the people you are writing to. I want to encourage you who is reading this to write more often, write to a friend, write to a family member who lives far away, write to yourself and open it in a few years. Write to somebody to ask how they are, or to tell them you love them, or maybe just to tell them you were thinking about them.

I think letters are great to keep and sometimes cards can get lost or thrown away so I decided to write each if my friends a letter to say thank you.

Another thing that I think is great is having a pen pal, for those of you who are unsure of the meaning of a pen pal, it means that you have a friend that you write to who may live far away or live in a different country. I think this would be great to do and for some of the students at my school, the teachers have set up pen pals so hopefully we will hear from them soon and we may get to visit.

Despite saying all this. I still think technology is great and I love having my blog to share things on but for the people you are close to, letters are special and personal.

I hope you have enjoyed this calm little rave about writing letters and I hope it has encouraged you to write a bit more, if your reading this now, I challenge you to get some paper and a pen and write something to someone and give/send it to them tomorrow.

Speak to you all soon


Sunday 6 October 2013

Mike Wazowski - Monsters Inc. Nails Art

Hello everybody, long-time-no-see, I know. I hadn't had any ideas for posts and then all at once I had a load come to me so I won't be gone for a while.

As you can tell from the title I'm doing a nail design post. I didn't plan to do this it just sort of came to me when I found some googly craft eyes.

I used Avon Arabian Glow nailwear in 'Electric Green' on my thumb nail and fourth finger nail and I used MUA nail polish in 'All Nude' for the bases and black and white nail art pen and brushes and some googly craft eyes.

First, I painted all of my nails with these two colours, previously mentioned.
Once I had left them to dry I got 2 googly eyes and with the green nail polish, I dabbed a bit near the top of my nail where I wanted the eye to go and then carefully placed the eye on top.
BE PATIENT! That's my advice because I am very impatient and so the eye step took me more goes than it should have.
Next, when that is dry and stuck down, get your black nail pen and draw an open mouth smile. This shouldn't take too long to dry.
Then, you take your white nail pen and draw some teeth inside the mouth, I did 2 but depending on how big you have drawn the mouth, you may choose to do more.
It's as simple as that! However, the next challenge is to do it on the other hand, haha, however, if you notice in the picture (below) this picture is of my right hand, which means it was drawn with my left hand and this turned out to be the better of the two.

So that's all for now, I have more soon, it's my birthday tomorrow so we'll have a post on that next weekend after my party with my friends.
Hope you enjoyed this and want to try it out, I think it's easy enough so why not?