
Tuesday 28 May 2013

Post Coming Soon

Hey everyone, 

I haven't really had any post ideas and I'm off this week so hopefully I'll be having some things to write about. 
I do have one post planned with pictures, however, I'm not sure when it will be up, my laptop is currently broke and I'm waiting for a charger, I'm writing this from my phone if you're wondering how I'm still able to post this. I went shopping and went a bit jeweller/nail varnish crazy! Nail varnishes just make me so excited and I get carried away...

I can't promise what day that post will be up, but it should be some time this week. 

See you soon - hopefully! 


Saturday 18 May 2013

My Travel Diary/Book

Hello everybody,

I promised you all a fun/creative post that I had the idea for, so here it is.

I guess this like a bit of a diary but I don't write in it everyday, what I do put in it is what I wanted to show you all. Now, as you have seen from a lot of my posts, I do like to go on adventures and go places with my friends and family and therefore I had a lot of tickets. I started to gather quite a bunch in the back of my purse and I began to annoy me and I didnt want to throw them away. I decided I would put them all together in my little travel diary/book.

This is it, my little New York City book from Paperchase.

This is all my memories and tickets that are beginning to pile up.

This is my 'London' themed page, quite obviously from when I went to London, I have a few train tickets to London, a Harrods receipt and a London Tube map.

On this page I have quite a mixture of tickets, (top left) is an X Factor tour ticket from February this year; (below that) is a International Tennis Tournament ticket signed by Martina Navratilova; then, the small red 'Admit One' ticket from my friend's cheerleading showcase; below that (small blue ticket) is a ticket from the Crocky Trail when I went with two of my friends and finally, beside that, I have a Saveaway ticket I found from 2010 but I have no idea what it was from.

On the right hand side (large orange one) is a ticket from when I went to see "To Kill A Mocking Bird" at a theatre with my drama class in school. Below that is a map of the zoo and beside that is the train ticket that I had when we were going to the zoo.

These pages are a little less colourful, unfortunately. I have a bus ticket from when I went to Otterspool; the two bottom tickets (saveaway & Yellow ticket) are tickets from my adventure that I went on with my Mum - which was part of the May Day Weekend  'series'. And the top right pink ticket is a cinema/movie ticket from when I went to see All Stars which I highly recommend but I think I've already wrote about that in another post.

On the right hand page, it's a bit boring so I'm not going to explain all of that and bore you.

Finally - you'll be glad to hear - is a 'Barcelona' themed page, fancy I know, hahaha. This is from when I went on holiday to Barcelona with my school last year (2012) I have a boarding pass, a ticket from the Nou Camp Museum/Stadium Tour and the small white one in the corner (if you can see it) is from the Salvador Dali Museum in Figueres. I enjoyed this a lot.

So, that's all for this week, I hope you enjoyed it all. I use a stapler to put all of these into my book so it's quite simple to do, if you liked it, I do recommend starting your own because it's fun to do, looks lovely and it's lovely to look back on at the memories.

I'm not sure if I will have a post for you all next week because I have a test week - and I mean EVERYDAY of this week coming - so I will be busy revising etc but I might try and do a quick something for you at the weekend - maybe a boring Exam themed one.... 
- you can look forward to that...

For now, this is goodbye, have a wonderful weekend


Saturday 11 May 2013

May Day Long Weekend - Sunday & Monday

Part 2 of May Day Weekend.


On Sunday (5th May) I went on an adventure with my Mum. Mum woke up early and said she wanted to go somewhere so we decided to get saveaway passes and go on an adventure. 
We got the bus into town and got on a ferry across the water, I managed to get some lovely pictures of the view. We got off the ferry and got onto a train to Port Sunlight (google it, it's a lovely place) it's full of tudor houses and cottages. We also came across a Flea Market and after debating for a while, we decided to go in and have a look around and boy am I glad we did! I spent a while talking to a man who was selling some vintage cameras and after we had talked for a while he was able to give me for a good, cheap deal - which I am very grateful for, thank you sir - I bought a Halina 35X from the 1960's and a Kodak Brownie from the 1900's. I was very happy with them both and they're so cute. The Halina actually still works and I have some films for it now!

After that part of the day, we got a train to Chester and walked to the city centre, then to Chester Castle - if anybody is planning on going, I would not recommend it, there's not much to do there, nothing to really take pictures of and you can't go inside it when you get there, bit of a waste of time. So instead we walked back and walked along the River Dee which was beautiful and it was a lovely day so everyone was out eating ice creams and riding pedal boats and artist were selling paintings and drawing caricatures for people.

We then eventually got back to the train station and got the train back. We just made the ferry in time to return home and got a bus home from town.

Here's some of my pictures from that day and if you're following my instagram @connellaoife - you will have seen some pictures of the day and of my two new cameras.


Monday was May Day so everybody was off work and school etc, it was a lovely day so My Family & I decided to go to Southport for the day. 
We didn't actually do anything particularly exciting that I can talk about, there were some boats on the water that made lovely pictures and there were some people there on some old scooters (vespa, piaggio etc) and I loved them so I have a lot of pictures of them. So here they are.

So this has been my May Day Weekend, I hope you have enjoyed it and enjoyed looking at my pictures. I've had fun writing about these events and telling you what I've been up to. This has been a very long post so I'm gonna wrap it up here and say have a marvelous weekend and if you do something exciting, take some pictures and write about it if you have a blog or if you have a diary/book write it down, it's great to keep for memories.

I have an idea for next week's post so if I decide to stick with it, I'll have something nice that you all could start to make or maybe you already have and that's also a great thing for memories too!

Speak to you all soon, it's about time I finished this now, Adios


May Day Long Weekend - Friday & Saturday

Hello everybody.

Here's my busy May Day Weekend that I said I would write about.


On Friday night (3rd May) I went to the cinema to see All Stars. I was going to go on my own but my Mum ended up coming with me. Being a daily YouTube watcher, I was extremely excited to see Dom Herman-Day in All Stars, I'd also watched them being interviewed by some other YouTubers so I was also excited to see Theo Stevenson in it too, plus, I knew Akai from Got To Dance. 
It lived up to my expectations, and I can safely say it was even better than I anticipated, and I did have high hopes before going to see it. If you don't know or haven't seen the film it is briefly about a bunch of kids who are the All Stars and they have a dance show to try and save their local youth centre - that's without trying to give anything away!

Of course, I am recommending it and I hate dance films like step up or street dance but this was very different and it is a family friendly film so everyone will enjoy it. I don't know if it has been released in your country if you are reading from anywhere other than The UK but if you do live in the UK, I know it's out so go and see it. It's fantastic - My mum enjoyed it too.


On Saturday, I went to some antique junk shops with my Dad and Brother and saw some lovely vintage cameras, satchels/briefcases, radios, typewriters etc but I didn't end up buying anything. On this same day, 4 of my friends were going to Otterspool - I spend far too much of my time there, but i love it - they had asked me to go but I knew I was already going out with Dad so I told them I wasn't sure if i'd be going. I did end up going later on and it was brilliant. We took loads of pictures of each other that we can keep as memories.
There was a huge Red Bull there that we climbed on and got some pictures. We also played in the play area for a while and then walked to the bus stop to go home.
I was only there for about an hour or an hour and a half but I chose some pictures that I'm going to show you.

These are just a few scenery pictures and a few that I liked. I do always take loads of pictures when I go out with my friends but I don't tend to post them because I don't know how my friends feel about me using them pictures, so for now, enjoy these.

Hope you enjoyed this post, I am just about to write Sunday & Monday's ones in a minute so they will be following soon.


Tuesday 7 May 2013

May Day Long Weekend Post Coming Soon

Hello everyone,

So as you will probably know, yesterday (May 6th) was May Day and even if you don't have any sort of celebration on that day, you will have known it was May Day because you will have been off school, work etc.

I had a very nice long weekend and I did something everyday which you will be glad to hear about because I have more to write about. I am also including Friday night in this 'Long Weekend' I speak of because that was the start of my eventful weekend. 

I'm not sure yet whether I will post each day as a separate post with some pictures or whether I will put all the days in one post.
This is just to let you know that on Friday, before this weekend coming, I will post My May Day Long Weekend.

Before I go, I want to mention that I have had some more ideas for posts which are a bit creative and fun, and I love it and I think it looks great, I'm going to save this for next Friday (May 17th) maybe.

I look forward to writing soon.

Goodbye for now


Saturday 4 May 2013

Photo Booth Props

Hello everybody,

I promised a creative, arty post for you all, so here it is!

I watched a video of Zoella and Sprinkle Of Glitter on Daily Mix Tv's channel on YouTube and they made Photo Booth Props. Straight away, I thought, "Yes, I want to make some of those!" so I did. 

I thought i'd share them with you all because they are really fun to take pictures with an i'm sure you could have lots of fun taking pictures with your friends or family or even on your own. So here's my step by step for you and I think this is quite a simple way to make them.

You will need:
  • Card (coloured is recommended)
  • A pencil
  • Coloured pencils or Felt pens
  • Selotape/duct tape/sticky tape
  • Skewers or kebab sticks
  • Scissors
  • Glitter/sequins/decoration (optional)
So here's how it's done:

1: Cut out some shapes from your card. I've chosen some speech bubbles and thought bubbles and glasses, a bow tie and mustaches.

2: Put a design on your shapes, colour them in or put some patterns or words on them. Here's how I've coloured mine in.

3: Choose one of your items and turn it over, get your sticky tape and a skewer stick and stick the tape over the skewer to the right or left if your item

4: Turn your prop around and it should look similar to this

5: Repeat this process with all of your props and have fun taking pictures, here's my props

I hope you enjoyed this post and I hope you are excited to make your own. I am going to ask my friend to come to my house and take some pictures with them and make some more if we both aren't busy.
Have fun with these if you make them.

Watch Zoe & Louise's video here - I recommend that you do.
You can find my twitter, instagram etc on the Contact page

But for now, that's all, have a lovely weekend!


Wednesday 1 May 2013

A little something creative...

Hello friends!

I haven't posted in a while and I suddenly had an idea that I wanted to blog about. So this is just a post to tell you all that I do have something planned and you can expect a little creative blog post to be coming this weekend!

Great fun to do so I look forward to sharing it and I hope you all like it and try it out yourselves!

Speak to y'all soon
