
Saturday 18 May 2013

My Travel Diary/Book

Hello everybody,

I promised you all a fun/creative post that I had the idea for, so here it is.

I guess this like a bit of a diary but I don't write in it everyday, what I do put in it is what I wanted to show you all. Now, as you have seen from a lot of my posts, I do like to go on adventures and go places with my friends and family and therefore I had a lot of tickets. I started to gather quite a bunch in the back of my purse and I began to annoy me and I didnt want to throw them away. I decided I would put them all together in my little travel diary/book.

This is it, my little New York City book from Paperchase.

This is all my memories and tickets that are beginning to pile up.

This is my 'London' themed page, quite obviously from when I went to London, I have a few train tickets to London, a Harrods receipt and a London Tube map.

On this page I have quite a mixture of tickets, (top left) is an X Factor tour ticket from February this year; (below that) is a International Tennis Tournament ticket signed by Martina Navratilova; then, the small red 'Admit One' ticket from my friend's cheerleading showcase; below that (small blue ticket) is a ticket from the Crocky Trail when I went with two of my friends and finally, beside that, I have a Saveaway ticket I found from 2010 but I have no idea what it was from.

On the right hand side (large orange one) is a ticket from when I went to see "To Kill A Mocking Bird" at a theatre with my drama class in school. Below that is a map of the zoo and beside that is the train ticket that I had when we were going to the zoo.

These pages are a little less colourful, unfortunately. I have a bus ticket from when I went to Otterspool; the two bottom tickets (saveaway & Yellow ticket) are tickets from my adventure that I went on with my Mum - which was part of the May Day Weekend  'series'. And the top right pink ticket is a cinema/movie ticket from when I went to see All Stars which I highly recommend but I think I've already wrote about that in another post.

On the right hand page, it's a bit boring so I'm not going to explain all of that and bore you.

Finally - you'll be glad to hear - is a 'Barcelona' themed page, fancy I know, hahaha. This is from when I went on holiday to Barcelona with my school last year (2012) I have a boarding pass, a ticket from the Nou Camp Museum/Stadium Tour and the small white one in the corner (if you can see it) is from the Salvador Dali Museum in Figueres. I enjoyed this a lot.

So, that's all for this week, I hope you enjoyed it all. I use a stapler to put all of these into my book so it's quite simple to do, if you liked it, I do recommend starting your own because it's fun to do, looks lovely and it's lovely to look back on at the memories.

I'm not sure if I will have a post for you all next week because I have a test week - and I mean EVERYDAY of this week coming - so I will be busy revising etc but I might try and do a quick something for you at the weekend - maybe a boring Exam themed one.... 
- you can look forward to that...

For now, this is goodbye, have a wonderful weekend


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