
Saturday 21 December 2013

Baked Apples Lattice | Christmas Blog Week Day 2

Hey everyone!
So believe it or not, I've had more technical problem which has cause this to be posted a bit later than I would have liked. Without going on about it,  my computer has ben put away to make some room for Christmas and now my laptop wont switch on.  I have resulted to writing on my tablet until I get back on top of the technology in my house.
Today I have made Baked Apple Lattice's and I'm going to share them with you.
Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Serves: 4

• 4 Green Granny Smith Apples
• Ground cinnamon (optional)
• Apple fruit filling
• Shortcrust Pastry
• Water
• Egg (for brushing pastry)

• Chopping board
• Tablespoon
• Teaspoon
• Table knife
• Sharp knife
• Bowl
• Cup
• Baking tray (bowl)
• Rolling Pin
• Pastry brush
1)  Cut off the tops of your apples using a sharp knife.
2) Hollow out the insides of the apples using a spoon. Using a knife to help might be dangerous but if you feel it is better and easier then do so.
3) Preparing your pastry. Sprinkle some plain flour on your work surface and rub some around your rolling pin. My pastry is in blocks as it had been defrosting but all that needs to be done is to grab all the blocks together and squash into a ball.
Using your rolling pin,  roll out your pastry approx. the thickness of a 50p - about 2/3mm.
4) Cut strips of the same width down your rolled pastry and cut horizontally in half. I used 3 across, 3 down for each lattice therefore I needed 24 pastry strips.
5) Take your Apple fruit filling and if you want to add cinnamon to it, now is the time. I made mine, two with cinnamon and two without. To add cinnamon to all or some of your filling, put a few tablespoons full into a bowl, add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and mix.
6) Spoon your filling into your hollowed out apples up to the brim, don't go over. Now is a good time to pre heat your oven to 160-180C/ gas mark 4.
7) Take each pastry strip and gradually weave your lattice - over and under- on top of the apple.

8) Trim the edges if necessary if the pastry is too long over the sides.
9) Crack an egg into a cup and use your pastry brush to glaze the lattice. If you used cinnamon in your filling you can shake some cinnamon onto the top of the lattice at this point.
10) Take your baking tray preferably one that is quite deep and make a water bath to sit your apples in.
11) Carefully place them in the oven and leave to bake for 20-25 minutes.
12) When you remove from the oven, they will be extremely hot so please be cautious of burns and injuries.
13) When you think they are cool enough to eat, dig in and enjoy.
Hope you enjoy if you make these and hopefully you have enjoyed reading this post today, you may have noticed a slight layout change from yesterday's post, I prefer it this way so I'm happy with this. The technical issues however are really beginning to irritate me as I hate letting you down so I can't imagine how annoying it must be for you all. I'm doing my best and will resolve this asap.

Christmas countdown:

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