
Monday 23 December 2013

Mini Shortcrust Mince Pies | Christmas Blog Week Day 3

Hello everybody,

So today I have made Mince Pies for Day 3 and I'm going to share with you how I made them.

Images tomorrow when I get onto a computer. Sincere apologies...
Prep time: 30 minutes
Cook time: 25-30 minutes
Serves: Makes 8 (5 shown)

  • Shortcrust pastry
  • Mincemeat
  • Plain flour
  • 1 egg (for glazing)

  • Cake tin/ bun tray
  • Rolling pin
  • Teaspoon
  • Pastry brush
  • Fork


1) Clean your work surface and sprinkle some plain flour down also ensuring you rub some on your rolling pin. Roll out your pastry until it is approx. the thickness of a pound coin.

2) Cut your pastry into squares roughly as shown below. Remember to leave some aside for the pie lids.

3) Grease your bun tray but rubbing some butter on it. Then, take a square of pastry,  squash it into a ball and place it in the bun tray.

4) This step is really hard to explain. You have to squish the ball around the sides of the hole to make a dip on the middle. 

5) Take your teaspoon and gradually fill each pie with mincemeat, try to flatten it down so it is not heaped.

6) Take the pastry you kept aside for the lid and roll it out so it is slightly thinner than you rolled the pies. Find something that is just a bit bigger in width than your pies to cut out lids. I used this lid of a tin. Cut out the required amount for however many pies you have made.

7) Place your pie tops over each pie like so. 

8) Take your fork and press down the edges to give the look as shown below.

9) Crack your egg into a mug and with your pastry brush,  glaze the tops of the pies.

10) Place your bun tin in the oven for around 25-30 minutes. Be cautious when removing them and they should look something like this.

Enjoy! Thank You for reading Day 3 of Christmas blog week. Hope you have enjoyed it, see you tomorrow.

Christmas countdown:



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