
Saturday 28 June 2014

Grass Head Egg Plants

Hello everyone,

So if you've only read the title of this post so far, you may well be very confused. I apologise for that. But if you continue to read, everything with make sense. 

Originally, I started using these egg shells to plant flowers in to give my nan as a gift for Easter, however, 1 out of 6 was successful and I was left with 5 others that were going nowhere. So I decided to jazz them up a bit.

I put grass seeds in, watered them and just hoped for the best. After a good few weeks/months or so, they had grown really well and the grass had become long like hair, so what else was I to do with them than to draw faces on them and give them personalities....and names too.

Let's introduce you to Norman, Betty, Pepe, Larry & Erik.

This is Norman. He's always quiet & sad and doesn't fit in with everyone else.

This is Betty. She's outgoing and flirty and gets on well with everyone. 

This is Pepe. He's the cool, Spanish surfer that gets on well with Betty.

This is Larry, he's very loud and over dramatic and a little bit crazy. He will be friends with anyone.

This is Erik. He's always very angry and shocked. You don't want to get on the wrong side of him.

Although this is not my usual kind of post, I just thought it was something fun that I'd share. It could be a bit of a DIY but I haven't really given very clear steps to making them.
If you'd like to make your own it is really simple, I'll give a little quick step-by-step that you could follow.

1) Take some eggs (as many as you choose) and gently tap it with a spoon to break the top off.
2) Empty out the yolk and egg white from inside. Either put it in a bowl to keep hold of or throw it out if you don't want it.
3) Gently swish some water around inside the shell to clean it and tip it out.
4) Fill your shells with some soil and sprinkle grass seeds fairly into them.
5) Continue to water them each day, don't give them too much water though.
6) Wait for them to grow some hair, you can cut it and style it in any way you like and draw faces on with a marker to give them personalities.

Hope you've enjoyed this and if you think it's a good idea or something fun to do, give it a go and see what faces you can make.

See you soon


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