
Sunday 17 July 2016

London: Monday 11th July - Sunday 17th July

Hello, hello, hello! Third week in and still going!
Hope last weeks post was enjoyable and apologies, again, for it being a day late!
Let's go and see what I've done this week!

Monday 11th July

So on Monday, I was up at 5:45, down for breakfast at 6am and back at the location by 7am. Monday was FREEZING and way windier than it was on Sunday!

I prayed we'd be done before 6pm and we we're! Everything was wrapped by 2pm and we headed back to London.
After a car journey, train journey and two tube journeys, I was home by 5pm and absolutely exhausted.

When I got back to my flat, I was greeted by 2 cute little cupcakes and new bedding!

How cute is the pattern on that bedding! I actually love this so much!

Its safe to say after that weekend, I wasn't doing anything that night! And that was exactly the case! 

Tuesday 12th July

So on Tuesday, not a lot happened, other than I had a meeting which was late and ended up being at 10am, I was given work from that and completed it by 1pm at lunch time. 

After that I had absolutely nothing to do all day from 1pm until 5pm and it's just a good job because I felt so sick.

To add to my pretty rubbish day, for whatever reason, it happens now and then, something to do with politics, the entrance/exit to work was crowded with paparazzi and news broadcasters and barriers had been put up to make it safe to walk out, on my way out, feeling like death, needless to say all I could hear was cameras clicking in my face and it was all really bizarre...

I got home and went straight asleep by about 6:30pm and woke up at 8. I still didn't feel well, ate a fish finger buttie, some cereal later on and went back to sleep!

Nothing at all to tell from Tuesday...

Wednesday 13th July

I was almost late for work on Wednesday after getting carried away listening/watching the music channel! But I made it on time, Mum before you call me and tell me "I hope you weren't late for work!", I wasn't!

I sat around for a bit until I had a bit to do, it all seems to come at once, and once it's done I'm like "I should have taken longer...", but then I got given some searching to do so I began it, and tactically, left some to do after lunch so I had something to go back and do.

I felt slightly better on Wednesday compared to Tuesday, but I was freezing and then sweating all day so I think I was still slightly sleep deprived.

I went and sat in McDonalds at lunch time to use their Wifi, and of course, I can't go anywhere or do anything without some sort of story! So here goes, I was sitting on one of the little stools facing out of the window, and a woman comes to the stools next to me and put her bag on it, and stands, doing something on her phone for the remaining time she was there. So in slightly confusion as to whether she was going to sit next to me or not, I glanced to my left, and noticed her bag, open, with a urine sample in a little tube in it. Need I say anymore..?
Thankfully, she left and I continued with my dinner.

I took one of my cupcakes I talked about on Monday to work with me today for lunch and it had jam in- which if you know me, is the greatest gift one could receive! So that was a good end to Wednesday lunch time!

Right, so you know how I'd just had that woman, well then, I get a guy on my right that ate 2 burgers and 2 chips to himself. And not just 99p bun-burger-bun, no, the real deal! And I know that because they were in boxes and not that that little wrapping you get when you only pay 99p for your burger, y'know the ones?

To replace the woman on my left, I got another guy with strange eating habits....I glanced slightly to my left and noticed he'd applied his sauce to his burger, normal? Yeah, okay, no. He hadn't put it inside the burger, he'd poured it onto the top of the bun and ate it like so...
By then it was 1:50pm and I was certainly ready to be making tracks and getting out of here!

I didn't do a lot else on Wednesday night except FaceTime with my parents, get a shower and do some washing.

Thursday 14th July

Thursday Morning was a very long one, I had nothing to until about 12 oclock for like half an hour.

At lunch time, I decided I wanted to go for a walk and not be stuck inside anywhere so I went for some fresh air and a wander around until I had to go back to work about 2 oclock.
I stumbled across a really nice area of shops with some food stalls in the middle and had a walk around there. Then, being the bargain hunter I am, saw the word "SALE" in Marks & Spencer's shop window and went it to have a look. I tried some dresses on but nothing was very nice and then headed back to work to be shown some really cool 3D animation software!

On my way home I accidentally popped into the Zara sale and bought a top and a pair of shoes. To everyone at home who's reading this cursing me, please forgive me!

Later on once I'd got off the bus home, I went to have a wander down a street party that was happening near to the flat.
This was a really cool board of summer-related drawings that you could help yourself to colours and colour in!

Of course, I took advantage of that opportunity and coloured in this banana!

There wasn't a lot on or much to do, but it was really nice and summery!
Those slices of watermelon and cookies were from the "Children's Party" and the woman repeatedly explained to me "For the CHILDREN" and I just smiled, nodded my head and said "yeah..." as I was helping myself!

Once I'd got home I made this pretty photogenic-looking meal which looked way better than it tasted.

That chicken let me down!

I also took my new steam iron for a spin, and boy-oh-boy! Compared to the previous 'Plug in, hope it heats up, go' iron, this is revolutionary!

Then, after living 3 "I have no freezer" weeks, I was informed that I do have a freezer, at the top of my fridge! Well! You know what that meant!

Goddamn right! I believe this is what the kids refer to as "the life" - you betcha!

Friday 15th July

Friday morning was super busy after I'd been given a briefing for a piece of work. A piece of work, might I add, that is gonna take me a while to complete and is proving to be one of the longest most complicated things!

After doing that for the whole morning, I felt like I was going to be sick for some reason so I went out for some fresh air at lunch and took some water with me. 

Once I'd got back, I brought some fresh orange juice in with me and started to feel better. To improve my mood someone came around with Krispy Kreme Doughnuts later on so the day soon got better!

For the rest of Friday I literally did nothing except clean the flat for some family coming to visit the next day!

I was super tired and went asleep to be refreshed for Saturday!

Saturday 16th July

THE GREATEST DAY YET! On Saturday I got up at 7:30, got a shower and ironed my pants ready to go and meet my Mum, Nan and Auntie at Euston Station!

I met them and we went back to the flat, and then headed out for some (really quick) shopping on Oxford Street.

We then went for some lunch, and I really wasn't hungry so I had some Sweet Potato Fries (which weren't great) but everyone else enjoyed theirs! 

Look at that weird pickle thing on the top of the sandwiches they had...

Then we went and walked around Hyde Park for a while and I took them back to the station to catch their train home. Inevitably, that wasn't the easiest thing to do, but I didnt get as upset as I'd thought I might!

Once I'd left them, I headed into Oxford Street to refund a dress that needed to go back. That took me about 20 minutes and I was back out, hopped on a tube out of Oxford Circus and got off at Regents Park.

I didn't really know what to expect of it and just thought I'd go and check it out with it being not too far from the flat.

Evidently so, it was absolutely gorgeous and I enjoyed a relaxed stroll around on my own on Saturday evening.

On my way home, which I ended up unintentionally walking, I passed a small Dunkin Donuts shop, so I decided to spontaneously pop in and ordered a cappuccino.

It was, much to my surprise, actually nice. Probably not something I'd drink regularly but maybe now and then.

I ate some homemade Quorn Lasagne that my Mum had brought down with her and had a pretty early night on Saturday.

Sunday 17th July

After a pretty rough nights sleep, waking up twice, I was up at 7 this morning and headed out to the train station around 10 o'clock to go out of Central London and meet some distant cousins who I've never met before! 

We went to a local pub/restaurant for some food and drinks and the sun was unbelievable!
I got a roast dinner with just vegetables, potatoes, yorkshire puddings and gravy - meatless, exactly how I like it!

That was pretty filling and I actually thoroughly enjoyed it!
Then I managed to squeeze in a Sticky Toffee & Apple Pudding, but then struggled not to pop a button off my skirt!

I got home around 5:45 and got straight into the shower because it was SO warm and sweaty!

Now I'm very much ready for a long chill out tonight! 

Phew! Long week all the early stories feel like they happened so long ago!
Hope everyones still enjoying! Last time I'll say this....See you next Sunday, for my last full week!

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