
Sunday 3 July 2016

London - Sunday 26th June - Sunday 3rd July

Hello everybody who is reading this and everybody at home.

If you’ve managed to find your way here, you probably already know I have left home to go to London and live and work there for a month doing an Internship. Initially, I thought this is gonna be a great experience, I love London and this is gonna be fine! And I was not entirely correct. This has been one of the hardest things I’ve ever done but it’s also going to be one of the greatest things I’ve done!

I’ve settled in and I have completed my first week. Three more to go. I am going to upload a blog post each Sunday to update on my week and you can follow it along with me. 
During the week is pretty boring, as I am just working 9 till 5, there’s not much I do except come home, make tea and sit on the couch and watch Breaking Bad until I fall asleep – currently, definitely one of my favourite shows - so, because of that, I hope for the weekends to be a bit more interesting so you have more to read about and hopefully see!

Sunday 26th June

So I arrived here in London on Sunday 26th June, ready to start work the next day. I’d had a few teary goodbyes before I left and went and got the train and went off to Camden with my parents.

We had a little shop around and I bought new Vans without even being there more than 10 minutes, and I also bought a new longline waterproof coat when we went to shop along Oxford Street. Then we headed to the tube station and made out way to the flat I’ll be spending my next month in, kindly enough, there was a beautiful little plant waiting my arrival.

Monday 27th June

So Monday was my induction, plus first day on the job, I had a very emotional day including a couple of runs to the bathroom when I was getting a bit upset. Generally, work went well, all I was doing all day was training which has to be finished in the first two weeks. 
I had a bit of an incident in the office which after experiencing it, was embarrassing, but after telling people, it was supposedly funny. For a brilliant start to my internship, I went to work on my first day with my new longline coat on....and the tag still in it! After hiding that and attempting to forget about it, I then managed somehow, after hanging my coat over the bag of my office chair, to get the coat stuck in the wheels of my chair. So then I proceeded to spend the next 5 minutes on the floor of the office desperately pulling my coat out of the chair wheels.

My parents met me after work and even still I was a little bit emotional cause I knew I had to say my biggest goodbye that night. After getting a chippy and crying endlessly on the balcony with my Dad, it came to the time I had to say bye to my parents for a month in the Capital City. It was not easy and I waved them off from the balcony and cried for the rest of my night.

All round, not a very good day.

Tuesday 28th June

Well Tuesday was better, still training but doing bits of little jobs for people to help with whatever they’re working on. I stayed at my desk for lunch and spent the day doing not a lot. 

So after mentioning yesterday’s incident, I went and had another one on Tuesday morning, allow me...  
So for security reasons, we need a key fob to enter the building and get through some doors, after I’d entered and got in the lift, I’d put my key fob away, got out of the lift, and realised I needed it to get through the door. Luckily, there was a woman behind me who kindly bleeped her key fob so I could open the door. So, I’m standing, in front of this woman, pulling the door to open it and it’s just not moving at all, so to make matters worse, I then realise it’s probably a push door, so I turn around to the woman and roll my eyes at myself and say “Push door” in a ‘Oh silly me!’ tone of voice, and as I’m doing so, I push this glass door too far as I’m not looking and bang it right into the wall. Needless to say, I just walked away and hoped we could both forget how stupid I am...

For the rest of Tuesday, it was just some tears when I got home, calming myself down and watching Breaking Bad.

Boring day....apologies...

Wednesday 29th June

Wednesday got progressively better, I started getting given more things to do but I had a lot of time during the day in work where I was sitting with nothing to do as I’d smashed all the training and I was done in two days!

I hope the two previous days incidents have amused you, because believe it or not, I’m about to tell you about another. Coming to London and starting an intership job in a massive company, I intended to be professional and make good impressions. No one really speaks to me much until they have something for me to work on, and today, someone spoke to me, so I’m trying to be very professional and have the conversation and I suddenly realise I’m starting to descend on my spinny chair, so in  panic I start hovering and trying to pull the lever under the chair which took too long leaving me to hover for the remainder of the conversation.

If you think that’s all I did to embarrass myself on Wednesday, then you are wrong, of course...
After finishing my second bottle of water and sitting with nothing to do, I decided I would get up and nip to the toilet and stretch my legs. Of course, nothing this week has gone particularly well for me, so in that case, to be brief, I spun my chair around to the right, got the left hand arm rest jammed (so tightly!) under my desk, and got stuck in my chair. No, I did not wet myself in my chair if you were waiting for me to top it off with that!

Lunch time was a little more interesting today, I went for a wander outside the building and had to run an errand for a colleague, Google Maps falsely led me to believe that there was a Dunkin’ Donuts near to where I was going, which was a disappointment so on my way back to work, I went into Waitrose that was near and treated myself to a chocolate muffin!

On Wednesday night, I changed into my lounge clothes once I’d got home from work and after I had my tea, got on the couch after a few tears and watched Breaking Bad with a box of Guylian chocolates (which are one of my absolute favourites!).

Thursday 30th June

Thursday, in general was the first day I started to feel okay, it was the first day I hadn’t cried so it was progress I believe!

Today’s incident was just kind of an embarrassing story which I won’t go into detail with other than, I had to pick up a birthday cookie that had been ordered for someone in the office who’s birthday it was, lets just say he is male and it had an inappropriate drawing on. I was informed that all I had to do was give in the receipt and collect the box. Wrong. The woman at the counter asked me “What does it say? Or what’s on it?” to which I awkwardly replied “...I don’t know? A colleague ordered it, I’m just collecting it....It’s a birthday one..?” – terrible time.

Anyway, for the rest of that day I felt settled and strong enough to make my round of phone calls home which was nice and I shared my weeks embarrassing stories.

Friday 1st July

Today was another kind of general day, lot of time where I was doing nothing so a boring kind of day in work, however, I made my own way home by myself on Friday night and went shopping on the way home.

I walked out of my building at the end of the day thinking “Wow, no incidents all day, oh yeah!” – wrong, again, of course... So I went into a shop on the way home and broke a shelf! It came off, onto the floor! So embarrassing!
I also popped into Topshop where I picked up a few bargains in the sale

I got this gorgeous little bracelet with a sweet on which is on a bobble-like elastic tie, I love this a lot, I think it’s so cute and I had eyed these up before, then they went into the sale and I tok complete advantage of my opportunity! Rightfully so!

This cute little key ring was in the sale for £2.50 so I grabbed this, now I have keys to the flat, I’m going to temporarily use it for these, and then I’ll take it home and put it to use there!

Then I got off the bus a couple of stops before mine to take a walk down the road home, I popped into Tesco (exciting, I know...) and picked up some food for the next few days – and Pringles for £1! – I think it was definitely my bargain day!

That was pretty much all for Friday, I ate some Pringles and I’ll give you three guesses at what I watched...Breaking Bad, yes.

Saturday 2nd July

So Saturday was my first weekend here after starting work, I worried a bit that I’d miss home without work distracting me, but I jumped on the bus down to Oxford Street at 11am and went shopping.

 I picked up some nice things which I’ll try and add in photos of some of them.

So I went into Uniqlo, which is usually my highlight of coming to London! I picked up this cool 'I am Other' tshirt from Pharrell Williams collection.

It has some cool little cheese patterns on the back too!

Another 'I am Other' from Pharrell's collection.

With a cool little watercolour submarine on the back.

I also picked up this tshirt from an artist, Keith Haring's collection.

How cute is this little canvas bag! It says "The Best Milk Ever" and I just think its a cool little bag!

Stopped quickly at McDonalds for some lunch and then headed home.
I sat myself on the couch and got my laptop out to start writing this post and pretty much remained there for the rest of the night after typing up everything you’ve read so far (my back hurts a lot).

I got a lovely surprise when a neighbour gave us this plate with a slice of cake on which I think might be bigger than my face! It was so heavy but it tasted so good!
Breaking Bad & cake for the rest of the night!

Sunday 3rd July
So today is the last day of my first week here. I woke up in the middle of the night  and was almost sick, but I got up this morning, got ready and left for Camden Town around 11am, I did visit exactly a week ago today and yes, I returned! Last week I saw a cool Breaking Bad tshirt that I wanted to go back and pick up, and today was my chance.

I think this tshirt is so cool and I like how simple it looks but it has cool detail. It’s the silhouette of the main character Walter from the show, made up of tiny little pictures related to the show. Cool, I know!
I continued and had a walk around Camden Lock and through the market stalls.

This was a back of a piano that I saw painted inside some of the market stalls near a little place to sit and eat so I took a quick picture as I passed.

I then went to an ice cream van, bought myself an ice cream and went and ate it near the water.

I ended up having to take a bit of a detour home but it kept me out and busy for a while and I successfully got myself out and back for the day in one piece! I have had a nice day, it has been sunny at times and stayed dry all day.
All that’s left to do is some ironing, try and dry my washed clothes and get on the couch for another night of texting/chatting and watching TV.

That’s all for this week, see you next Sunday!

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