
Monday 25 July 2016

London: Monday 18th July - Sunday 24th July

Final full week! Oh my goodness! Can you believe that first post when I was crying, home sick and nervous was 4 weeks ago! I don't know how that's happened or what I've done, but when I get home next week, I will sit and read back and re-live it all. I feel like that will be quite emotional and kind of bittersweet - nice that I'm home but sad for it to have come to an end.
Let's go!

Monday 18th July

So for a great start to the week, I think I accidentally missed my bus to work because the one I got on was a lot later than usual. But again, wasn't late, because you can count on me!

In the morning I got some jam on toast in work, I chose Raspberry Jam and it literally tasted like jam from cake filling! Wow!

Monday was REALLY warm, luckily we have air conditioned offices! I went out at lunch and it was so warm and sunny but not the kind you wanna sit in, just like, find me some shade!

As soon as I got home, I got changed my top to a tshirt and put some flip flops on. I needed shopping so I decided to take a walk down Oxford Street, then on my way home, go and get my food and pop into Argos to pick up a fan for our flat because it has literally been the warmest week I've known!

Funny story really, about Oxford Street, I accidentally bought myself a tshirt in GAP, it was in my hand with some other things I was picking up and I went to the till and paid for them all, but I liked it a lot. I was carrying it because I really wanted it, but should stop spending my money. Fate.

Monday was a pretty sad night. I finished Breaking Bad.... and then went to bed so not to dwell on my loss.

Tuesday 19th July

Tuesday morning was a long, and pretty boring one, I have a piece of work that I'm currently doing which is a case of, go in, carry on.

At lunch time I went out in the sun, and actually decided to sit in it while I ate my lunch. I leaned against a small post to sit on that had been in the sun and I just felt it burn me right through my pants! 

I found some shade and enjoyed the warm weather for the rest of lunch time and then headed back to work.

On my way home the sky was so clear, so blue and the sun was so hot!
I made the last of my lasagne for tea with some salad and was then told I had two pieces of chicken ready for me. So i had the biggest dinner, and finished it all - of course with very little ability to move or breathe...

I started The Night Manager and I'm still getting into it, not sure how I feel about it yet, but Tom Hiddleston and Olivia Coleman, two of my favourite British actors are in it so it's worth watching if for nothing else!

Wednesday 20th July

Wednesday was another very warm day! Got some more cake-filling-jam on toast and work went pretty quickly as I had things to do all day.

I didnt get to go out at lunch as I had an important piece of work that needed to be completed that day so i ate at my desk and go on with that.

I had to stay behind to make some calls for someone so I got out about 5:30 and headed home.
Once I'd eaten, as usual, I put an episode on of whatever I'm watching, but then decided it was too warm and the sun was still out, so I went for a walk.

I stumbled across this really cute car, by these really cute trees outside this Theatre School.

I then went for a walk around and headed down to Hyde Park, found myself a spot on the grass and sat and watched the sun set until about 8:30pm.

When I got back, I watched some TV and then went out onto my balcony and watched the moon for a little bit, which ended up making for quite a nice photo.

Thursday 21st July

Thursday was kind of a normal day in the morning and up until lunch time. I didn't have a lot to do, but I managed to get out for some 'far cooler than yesterday' air.

If I'm honest, I can't actually remember what I did for the rest of the work day, other than, I got sent on a message to drop off a parcel in Soho and by then my phone was on about 30% battery so I ran to the flat once I was finished because it was thankfully round the corner, and then jumped on the bus back to work, all within the hour! And I can assure you, I was absolutely sweating!

After work I jumped on the bus and headed straight to Covent Garden.

Went for something to eat in a place called Belushi's which was a cool bar and restaurant.
There was some quite funky wall art & back-of-toilet-door art!

Then....I went to see The Lion King at the Lyceum Theatre! I didnt know what to expect and I've never been a particularly big Disney fan, but Oh My Goodness! It was like nothing you've ever seen before! Absolutely unbelievable! 

I would definately recommend it to anyone, any age, even if you don't like The Lion King or Disney! I was intrigued to see how the would put a full animal cast on stage and it was amazing how they done it!

I got home about 10:45 and, stupidly, watched TV till about 2am and inevitably regretted it the next day. I must add, it was unintentional and I didnt realise until Friday morning that I was up so late!

Friday 22nd July

Friday, hence the end of Thursday, was a very unpleasant, early, regretful morning. I woke up, stupidly again, at 6am because I knew I needed to wash my hair before work, which I leave for at 8:30am. I then realised how ridiculous that was and got back in bed until 6:45 and then started to get ready.

I did a chunk of work which I boxed off before lunch time, went out in the sun for a walk at lunch, headed to a bakery cause I really wanted a pastry, and then went back to do the next lot of work.

On Friday evening, I was SO tired from the night before, that I just wanted to stay in and relax and catch up on some resting. I was meant to be going out to the V&A Museum to take myself down there and see what was going on, but I decided I didn't have it in me to do that!

I organised some of my things, got some clothes ready for the weekend and got in bed for an early night!

Saturday 23rd July

Saturday I woke up at 7am and spent THE longest 6 (ish) hours waiting for Dale to come down to visit for the weekend. I got to Euston Station to wait around and it was one of the sunniest days I think we've had yet. I got myself a bottle of water and a tangerine while I was waiting.

It was the most amazing moment to see each other after 4 weeks, it was really strange and a shock at first, but we soon felt comfortable and back to normal!

We got our stuff together and got to our hotel and checked in about 3pm. Once we found our room, we put our bags in and headed out to Madame Tussauds. It was Dale's first time in London and Madame Tussauds and the last time I visited Madame Tussauds was 8 years ago! So it was all very amazing for both of us!

After looking around all the celebrity wax work figures, we went to the Marvel 4D Experience which was pretty crazy and saw some Marvel Characters (and I became Wolverine!)

After a super warm, super long, super busy day, we headed back to our hotel to get dressed to go for a meal. We decided to head out to Soho and had some Pizza and Pasta in a place called Spaghetti House and Chocolate Brownie and Mango Sorbet desserts which we both agree was amazing!

That was pretty much the end of the night, getting home at about 11:30pm, we watched TV for a bit and fell asleep mid comversation!

Sunday 24th July

Today was another amazing day! Even busier than Saturday but to be completely honest, I was enjoying myself too much to remember to take many pictures along the way!

Breakfast was included at the hotel, but theirs was too small and didnt have a restaurant/cooked breakfast in so they gave us "Breakfast Boxes". Well I was very excited for them!

This was the contents and I gladly accepted. There was an option of two, so, we got one each, I took both boxes and got Dale a McDonald's which he prefered much more!

So...we started out at Camden and went to some independent comic book shops and around Camden Lock (which you've seen plenty of pictures of this month that you needn't see them again!)

We got some freshy squeezed Orange Juice and it was absolutely amazing! So fresh and I love oranges so it tasted very much like eating an orange.

We then and had a walk around and got some food. Dale had a slice of pizza, but that was nearly gone before I could even take a picture! I had rice and sweet & sour chicken which was nice but very filling quickly!

We then jumped the tube into Covent Garden and had a short walk around and stumbled across another independent comic book shop which had some of these cool paintings in!

Then walked around, Dale got a milkshake, and I got a Raspberry Sorbet.

It was amazing! And I'm feeling very fond of sorbet this weekend!

We had a lovely (very windy) walk along Waterloo and had a pretty good view across the water of Big Ben, the London Eye, Houses of Parliament etc. And found some cool artwork on the sides of some buildings along the way.

And carried on walking to Waterloo Station to see some of the Ghostbusters promotions. The car was parked outside that you could take a photo of/with (Dale did but I dont have a picture, sorry...)
And also the Marshmallow Man had his own statue of himself coming out of the floor and lots of slime was hanging around Waterloo Station.

Then to Oxford Street! Where we did some shopping, headed home, ate some food and sat and watched a bit of Night at the Museum and Finding Nemo before we had to leave for the station.

I panicked the whole way on the bus that we weren't going to make it in time to not miss the train, but we made it. I cried as soon as we got to the platform. We said our "See you soons" and I header home, teary and tired to get on the couch and remain there until I fall asleep unless I can be bothered to move about a metre onto the bed!

I know a few of you will be happy to hear this, but this is the last Sunday London blog post you'll be ready this month!
I have 3-4 days left and I'm very much ready for home.
Hope you've enjoyed this week! Don't cry about my Sunday night, be happy for how happy I have truly been this weekend. 

Goodnight! See you....on Thursday..? (Gasp, go on, I dare you!)

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