
Sunday 31 July 2016

London: Monday 25th July - Thursday 28th July

Hello, hello, hello, I can't really believe I'm about to say this, but this is the last week of my month-long Internship in London. I have 3 days left in work this week, and the 4th day travelling home, and to be honest, it certainly hasn't calmed down towards the end, I'm still busy, so there's still things for me to write about and share with you.
I have also added in Friday's day just because it was so good so I want to share that too!

I hope you have enjoyed following my journey through a series of blog posts and photos. I hope I have made it as entertaining as possible and I look forward to reading back over them and reflecting on the experience I've had.
This is a pretty emotional moment, where I will say, for the last ever time, let's see what I've been up to this week! 

Monday 25th July

Monday was a generally consistent work day. And by that, I mean I did the same thing all day, which, funnily enough, wasn't anything at all. 

Monday evening was a completely different story. I jumped straight on the bus outside work again, and headed to Covent Garden.
I went and ate in a pub/bar/restaurant type place and had Macaroni and Cheese with Garlic Bread.

After hanging around for an hour or so, I went to see Mamma Mia!! 

Overall it was an enjoyable show, and I was very thankful to have the chance to go, however the second half was significantly better than the first. I don't know if that's generally the case that you find with most shows, but I felt like it could have been more lively and enthusiastic, compared to the slow movement and generally stationary musical numbers. I think it could have worked better with a little bit of dramatic acting/performing the songs. I was disappointed that the actors didnt have the audience very excited the whole way through, which meant during very big songs like Mamma Mia and Dancing Queen, no one danced or even swayed a little bit, except me, but a limited amount so not to distract the people behind me...

The show was only on for approx. 1 hour and a half, not including the interval, and I was home around 10:45.
I had been SO tired all day, I went straight to bed and asleep at 11 to catch up on my sleep.

Tuesday 26th July

Crazy, I know, but on Tuesday I went to Brighton!! Just conpletely randomly got told that "You have to see our Brighton offices!" So away I went, to see our offices in Brighton.

I went to the station about 10am with a colleague and got my ticket, got shown to the platform and away I was sent to catch the train.

An hour and a half later (due to delays) I arrived in Brighton! I headed out of the station with my map, down to the office and "worked" from about 12 until 4. It was way more chilled down there!

Once I got out, I walked straight down to the Seafront. I didn't realise I would be as close to Brighton Pier as I was, and I must say, it was a bit of an emotional moment for me, finally being in Brighton, after wanting to go for so long and finally getting to see the "Brighton Pier" huge sign.

I took some photos along the way as I explored and got some chips on the pier. Which were terrible, they were still like raw potatoes! But they filled a hole to keep me going for a little while as I carried on.

I went for a walk along the Pier and explored what was there, and then on my way back, became dangerously close to a Seagull.

Once I'd seen everything there was down there, I ended up walking around the lanes, which was a purposeful accident. By that, I mean, I decided I wanted to go and find them, but didn't realise I was there after just stumbling across them.

I found a cool little shop that sold prints and merch and poster and tshirts etc, and I got this badge.

Breaking Bad, yes. I also picked up this badge for Dale and got this print for him which I think he'd love. (I can update you on the answer on Thursday so keep reading!)

I had a walk back along the Seafront and up to the Station where I sat and waited for my 6:30pm train.

Once I'd caught my train, it took me about an hour and a half back to London and I jumped on the bus and got back about 8:30.

Wednesday 27th July

Wednesday was my last day in work and it was generally quite a normal day.

I got my last piece of toast and I got a Raspberry Granola Yoghurt.

Once it came to 5 O'Clock, it dawned on me and I felt a little bit like "Oh my goodness, this is the end..." 
After saying my "Goodbyes" and "Thank yous" I headed home for about an hour and then went out to dinner with some family that I have in London, who I have never met before. I did take a photo of my food, but it's disappeared from my phone for some reason, I had a chicken burger, anyway.

They brought me the loveliest little gift and a card. This bracelet with my initial on and a little heart on the other side, so it will always be a little something to think of them from home.

That was such a lovely evening and before I knew it, it was 11pm and I jumped in bed ready for home the next day!

Thursday 28th July

Thursday came around so quickly and I felt a bit sick with nerves and excitement to be going home.

I said my final goodbyes to my home for the past month and left the flat at 9:50 to catch the 10:45 train home.

We had to change which made the journey home 3 and half hours...Is it even that far to drive!?

I got to the train platform at home and it was such a relief.
I seen some family which was great and I didn't expect on my first day home, BUT, the biggest and best surprise that I could never have expected, my parents and brother had redecorated my room while I was away! I finally have the white walls I've always wished for and everything is so beautiful.

For the rest of the night, I just talked after spending a month with limited chances to talk to people! And then before I knew it, it was time for me to climb into my new bed and sleep my first night back at home.

P.s. Dale loved his Ghostbusters print!

Friday 29th July

So on Friday morning I had an orthodontist appointment, which lasted about 5 minutes, and then I went to an exhibition that was being held in the Cumard Buildings by the waterfront in Liverpool. It was called The Jam: About The Young Idea and loving their music and that era, I had an amazing time!

I had such a good time and bought an About The Young Idea newspaper that had been put together specifically for the exhibition.

I would recommend anyone who is a fan or who is interested in going, to definately go, you pay an entrance fee of about £5 or £10 (depending on peak times) but if you think you would like it, it's on until September 25th and it's worth it!

I then went for something to eat with my Dad and came home to visit people who hadn't seen me since I'd been home.

And that's it. It's all over and I've successfully completed a whole month Internship in the capital city. It feels pretty surreal that it's happened but I am so grateful that it has.

I have everyone to thank for the experience I've had, my parents for everything they helped with and provided, the people that actually made this happen to get offered this opportunity, the company for willingly taking me in and showing and teaching me so many brilliant things, my friends and family for supporting me in any decision I made and coming to visit while I was away, and lastly, you, for coming here and taking (extensive) amounts of time out of your day to read this blog and follow my journey.

This has been a once in a lifetime opportunity. 

Thank you and Goodbye, London! x 

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