
Sunday 21 April 2013

Dear Future Self...

(Let's say 10 years)

Dear Future Self,  

I always wonder what you're like. I've never met you, but I'm excited to see what you are actually like, if you're anything like Past Self I won't be impressed. Hopefully you're happy and you're doing something that you like and you enjoy. You'll be almost 26 so I hope you have decided by then what you want to do with your life. I'd like to think you're still writing this blog for me but I feel that is unlikely. 
Thinking about it, you will have left school and hopefully you have a job or are getting one. I took a future quiz before I wrote this letter to you and it gave me this answer:

You wander around the Earth, journeying far land. Just hope that you won't die.

I'm not sure what to think about this, but I would like to add, I do hope you're still alive...
Moving on, I would like to 'wander around the earth' I'm not sure that's the term I would use, i'd probably go with 'Travel' or 'Explore'. Wander gives me the impression that I'm going to be walking... and around the earth seems a bit much. Just to clear up thus mess I seem to have gotten myself in, I wont be walking around the Earth. 

I hope you have plans to travel or maybe you have already visited some great places and if so, vlog them or blog them - that's what I say. I hope you do well for yourself and have a happy life and one day, or maybe you have already visited Africa and America because they're the main places that I would love to visit.

I hope you still have everyone close to you and everyone that mean the world to me, I hope they're still around, how are they getting on? Have they done well for themselves? Have you been travelling with Kayleigh yet? Are you planning on?
If you're not living in England anymore, I hope you are still in touch with everyone and you try and make the effort to. I guarantee you're still living at home, in England and this whole thing has just been my dream rather than reality.

I'm gonna wrap it up here and say that I'm grateful that this hasn't happened yet and I have the physical ability to make this happen. 
This life I'm living is a movie, and for the people who are watching it, I don't want it to be a boring one. I'm the writer, director and editor of this movie and I plan on making it the best one I've every watched.

See you in 10 years!

Lots of love

Present Self x x x

Hi everyone, I hope you liked that, I actually really, really enjoyed writing it, it's given me a little insight into what I hope for my future and the things I want to be doing, although I don't really have a career plan, I'd like to do something to do with performing/entertaining, I enjoy that. I was looking through some old posts and I saw at the end of my Dear Past Self letter that you can find in March's blog archive over on the right. I saw at the end of it that I had said I was going to write this letter "next week" but I did something else instead or maybe I started writing and planning for my Easter Holidays posts. 

So anyway, here it is now. I hope this has maybe inspired you to write one to your future self, even if you don't have a blog, write it on paper and put it away for however long you want. If you do have a blog however, I'm setting you the challenge to write one and when you do, if you want me to see it, tweet me the link to it or email me it etc, all the links and info are on the 'Contact' page. I would love to see what you all hope for in your futures.

Hope you have all had a wonderful weekend, this has been a very long post today but I've enjoyed writing it. 

See you all soon


Monday 15 April 2013

Last Day | Easter Holidays Day 18

I don't want to begin today's post all cheery because it's the last day of the Easter Holidays which means I'm back at school tomorrow. On the bright side, I get to see everybody I haven't seen for two weeks.

I've spent my day with my nan today. I have FINISHED my art homework, finally!! Woo!
We also went shopping and being the delightful granddaughter I am, I carried all of my nan's bags for her.

I've literally spent the rest of the hours in my day watching videos of Russell Howard on YouTube. This is probably another topic you are sick of hearing and reading about but the new series start this Thursday so expect excitement.

I am currently watching Broadchurch which is a murder mystery drama in the UK. I think tonight's is the last one so I'm excited for the ending.

I hope you all liked my "Alphabet" project yesterday and I have another piece of excitement. This blog is 100 days old tomorrow and my goal was to reach 300 views by then, I imagined it was going to be a struggle and each day I'd say "no, I'm not gonna make it, I've got my hopes up too high" but I certainly underestimated my viewers and I apologise greatly for that. Before I post this, I'm on 351 views! That's astonishing, and my blog isn't even 100 days old yet. I do put in the effort and I love this reward that I get back and I really do hope you enjoy it because I enjoy writing.
This is getting soppy now so I'm going to stop and for the last time I will say

I'll see you tomorrow, but, only to celebrate 100 days old. Love you all lots my lovely viewers.


Sunday 14 April 2013

Alphabet | Project 1

Here is my 1st little project I have been working on. It's called Alphabet because as you can see in the picture, the shapes of the objects make letters. It's been really fun but sometimes really tricky to find things that look like specific letters, although, I would recommend this project to anyone up for a challenge. I will list what each thing is for each letter to give you some ideas if you fancy trying it.

A is a mini tripod.
B is a pair of aviator sunglasses.
C is the handle on the kettle.
D is the handle to open the window.
E is the large tiles on the bathroom floor.
F is the tap (faucet) on the bathroom sink.
G is my camera wire.
H is the panels on the wooden door.
I is the pattern in the window of the door.
J is the door handle (on the side).
K is a pile of mums makeup stuff.
L is the corner of the loft/attic door.
M is a segment of a picture that we have.
N is the detachable handle for the grill.
O is a spotlight.
P is a small piece of a big wall art.
Q is a tassel design on a bag.
R is nail clippers.
S is front door window pattern.
T is upside down plug socket.
U is string to put blinds up and down.
V is corner of table top.
W is a segment of the same picture in M
X is the wire from my TV.
Y is a plant in our kitchen.
Z is a shoe lace.

I do hope you've enjoyed this, go and have some fun and do it yourself!
Hope to have another one soon, I will let you know when.


Happy Sunday | Easter Holidays Day 17

Hi everybody!!!!

Today I've been out for a little ride on the scooter again with my dad. We were actually out for quite a while even though the weather wasn't great.
I haven't really done much today except have a roast for my dinner and I have been watching videos on youtube all day.

I don't really have much to say today but I do have an exciting thing to tell you (well it's exciting for me) after I post this, straight away I'm going to be posting my first little 'photography' (you could call it that...) project I've been working on this week which I have mentioned. It's "Alphabet" and I have finally decided on it and finished it.

So that's all for today. I'll see you all tomorrow for Day 18... LAST DAY! 


Saturday 13 April 2013

A Really Long Day | Easter Holidays Day 16

Hi everyonee!

Today seems to have been a really long day, I felt like I had done a lot and when I checked the time, it was only early.

It all began this morning when I got up at about 8-ish because the men were here to insulate our house. I was then doing some drawing in my sketchbook, then, me and dad went out on the scooter to go and pick his phone up from the shops after its repairs.

I checked the time a bit after that when I was home and it was only about 20 past 12. *shock face*

I went out with mum and we ordered shoes for my brother's birthday and I also got my card for him. After that, we came home and I went around my house taking pictures for tomorrow's post - not a Daily Easter Holidays one - the start of my 1st project which is Alphabet.

Then I made stir-fry for tea which I didn't enjoy because I don't like how I cook it but for some absurd reason my family love it.

My neighbours who are not next door but the one after them are having a party an the music is unbelievably loud, the house in between us must be bouncing because its clear enough to hear from here. I'm staying in my brothers room on the floor in one of the front bedrooms because the music would keep me awake if I stayed in the back in my room (not that I go to bed really early....the party would probably be finished before I went to sleep)
But anyway, I am on my mattress on the floor writing a blog post!

Goodnight, sleep tight

And I'll see you tomorrow for Day 17...


Friday 12 April 2013

A Day Dedicated To Myself | Easter Holidays Day 15

Hello everyone! Today's post is very late, I don't mean as in days late but very late at night!

Today, I've been to town. Ooh who with? You may ask! By myself is the answer. And it was lovely! I didn't have to wait for anyone anywhere or go places I didn't like, I just did my own thing or as long as I felt like on my own, if you haven't already guessed by now, I have a thing for saveaways which, if you don't know you just pay one price, scratch off the date and go, basically so today I only needed a local one as I was going into town and back.

I went into Primark, big mistake as soon as I stepped foot in there. But I thought I'd pull myself together and have a look around. I ended up buying a t-shirt and 2 pairs of sunglasses which I am very happy with.

When I came home, I wasted some time doing absolutely nothing, just playing about on the tablet and then I remembered I had more art homework to do, you are probably sick of hearing about me and my art homework but I've been doing it in bits basically so I did some painting in my sketchbook in my room.

Then I got into bed, clipped my lamp on my bed, intending on reading some more of my book. Grabbed the tablet instead and went on TV CatchUp and watched more Russell Howard's Good News, 8 out of 10 Cats does Countdown, Graham Norton Show, like I said yesterday if you live in the UK you'll know what I'm talking about, otherwise you're probably quite confused now.

So now I'm going to sleep, that's a bit of a lie because I'll probably be on my phone for another hour or so. We'll see!


See you tomorrow for Day 16...


Thursday 11 April 2013

Happy Birthday to my Auntie | Easter Holidays Day 14

Hey everyone!!

So today it was my Auntie's birthday so I spent most of my day up at her house with my mum, nan and grandad. We had some 'Afternoon Tea' with a fancy cake stand.

Then, when we came home, my dad had to go to work to drop something off so I went along with him and we came home on the scooter (motorbike scooter that is, not push scooter).

I've spent my night mostly texting one of my friends and then I watched 2 episodes of Russell Howard's Good News which was hilarious! If you're from the UK (I say that because you most likely won't get it in other countries) and you like comedy and stand up comedians or comedy presenters, I would recommend Russell Howard's Good News, Thursday's, 9pm, BBC 3. It is however, past the watershed so depending on your age, you may be too young for it, I don't actually know the ages of my readers but I'd say for anyone around the age of 15, it should be okay for you, but PLEASE CHECK WITH YOUR PARENTS because I don't want the blame!

I've just been reading with mum for a bit so now I'm just gonna go to bed and...

I will see you tomorrow for Day 15...


Nans & Drama | Easter Holidays Day 13

Today, I went shopping with my nan, and we also went to the hairdressers.

My brother isn't very well so we went to my other nans house to pick him up but my dad had to come and pick me up earlier because I had drama.

We were doing some filming and it was a funeral scene so I had to dress in black. We were however a priest down because we were told he had a bad haircut and he wouldn't leave his house so we filmed the rest that we could.
We've got to do some more of it next week and hopefully the priest will be there!

See you tomorrow for Day 14...


Wednesday 10 April 2013

Fun Day | Easter Holidays Day 12

I stayed out last night and had no Internet and I'm so sorry this late, I did write it but couldn't post it, but here it is.

I had a fun day today. I was at my nans house and was doing some more art homework and then my cousins came for a bit so we all had a drawing competition together which I loved because my brother never does anything like that with me because he isn't really into drawing. I did get 2 points for my drawings but we didn't really end up having a winner.

Then I thought I was staying at my other nans but then my dad said he was off work so I was going to stay home with him. But then something came up and he is going to work tomorrow, so now I am staying at my nans. I'm going to help her with her shopping tomorrow and were going to read in bed because she doesn't usually get to do that because my grandad doesn't like to have the light or lamp on.

I'll see you tomorrow for Day 13...


Monday 8 April 2013

Art Homework & Graphics Homework | Easter Holidays Day 11

Hi everyone.

I've had a bit of an arty day today. I have been given a lot of Art homework for the Easter holidays and I also did some homework for Graphics which was a mood board and was quite arty too.

I had to go to the library because like I mentioned yesterday, my printer ran out of ink and I had to get these things printed this week. 
For my Graphics GCSE we're designing CD covers so I had to create a mood board of unusual Cd designs.

This is my mood board:

I was planning on doing an A4 page but when I had cut out all of my pictures I realised I would have to do it on A3. I like how it looks and I'm happy with the result.

My art project, on the other hand, is an on-going process and there's unfinished bits here and there so I'm not going to show that now.

Tomorrow, I had plans to go on another adventure with Georgia, but were not going now so i'll be going to my nans in the day (doing more art-sorry) and maybe I'll have something to tell you, and then in the night I'm sleeping at my other nans house.

Also, I must mention that we are excitingly close to 300 page views, my goal was to reach it by the time the blog was 100 days old which is on the 16th of this month and that is 8 days away. I am so excited to reach it, thank you all for visiting, reading, re-visiting etc...

I will see you tomorrow for Day 12...


Sunday 7 April 2013

A Bit Of A Family Day | Easter Holidays Day 10

Hi everyone. DOUBLE DIGITS!!!

Today had been 'a bit of a family day' and by that I mean some of my family have been around to my house today. My Auntie & Uncle came with my cousins and my Nanna & Grandad also came too.

I had a little play with my cousins and brother on the trampoline but being the only girl, I soon got bored and then they began playing rough, fighting games.

A bit later on I spent some time with one of my cousins who is a bit older than my brother and his brothers and we share some of the same interests so we've always gotten on really well.

We had a laugh for a bit and we always do silly things and mess about and we've written a few song parodies so we decided to start on a new one (which we haven't finished)
Also, we realised, in the process of writing that all our parodies seem to be about food which makes us look bad, but anyway, it's fun to do - but very difficult when you get stuck!

I had a bit of a homework morning, but just my luck, my printer ran out of ink when I started printing. I also had a list of things written out that I had planned to make sure I did in the day, then my dad invited everyone over and that all went to bits. More things for me to do tomorrow, less exciting things for me to blog about b

I can warn you now, tomorrows may be a little boring as I have to go to the library to print off these things for my homework.

See y'all tomorrow for Day 11...


Saturday 6 April 2013

A Nothing Day | Easter Holidays Day 9

Hello everyone, for the second time today - isn't that nice.

Before I start, I wanted to go into town today and look in a few shops that I had in mind but I read my horoscope this morning and it told me to 'let go of my plans for the day' so I did just that which resulted in my day consisting of nothing worth blogging about. 
I should have really saved my project idea for this post. 

I walked to the library with two overdue books and might I add, it's not my 'local' library so once I'd got there to return them, it wasn't even open. So it took an hour and a half and I achieved nothing. On the other hand, it was a lovely day weather wise, which helped make the journey much better because the sun was out.

Aside from that, I have not done much more so I do hope tomorrow will be a bit more exciting.

If anybody wants to contact me for any reason at all, or maybe you're just feeling extra nice and want to drop by and send me a little quick email, you can email me on Please do send me an email, or maybe you want to tweet me, I'd love to here what you've been doing over the holidays, how was Spring Break for you Americans across the pond? I'd love to know if you've used or liked any ideas I've talked about on here. I am planning on creating a 'Contact' page for the twitter, instagram, tumblr and email information but I haven't got round to that yet.

See you tomrrow for Day 10 - double digits already! 


A Little Idea I Had

Hello everyone! How strange that I am posting early in the day! This is not my Day 9 post, that will be up later on but for now I just wanted to post and idea that I had that I want to start. 

I'm going to start a little project and I'm going to do it based around 'Alphabet' what this means is that I am going to take a picture of something beginning with whatever letter of the alphabet I'm up to. 
I don't know yet if I'm going to do it all random and post them, or I'm thinking a better idea would be to do different ones, for example, a bedroom edition, a garden edition, a kitchen edition...etc and find 26 things beginning with each letter of the alphabet. 

I think I'm going to do my second idea and I might do a different 'edition' every other weekend. 

I hope you like this idea and look forward to seeing it. I also hope that I manage to find things that begin with every letter.

Fingers crossed!


Friday 5 April 2013

Beach & A Walk | Easter Holidays Day 8

Hellooo everybody, Georgia and I went to the beach and we went for a walk today.

Georgia came to my house this morning and we got the bus into town and got on another bus to take us to the beach. We spent a few hours there but the wind started to make it get colder as the day went on. We sat on the rocks and had something to eat, then had a little play on the sand and then we went for a walk.

Stupidly of me, I forgot my camera because I thought it would be a good idea to put the battery on charge so I could take some pictures for my post but then I forgot to pick it up all together. I did take pictures on my iPhone however, but they're not as good as they could have been if I wasn't so forgetful. 

We caught a train home but before we went into the Train Station I spotted a little old book shop so we went to have a look and I bought "The Old Curiosity Shop" by Charles Dickens.

Here's a few of the pictures I took that are going to brighten up this post a little bit.

Hope you've enjoyed today's post, I may do a post on "The Old Curiosity Shop" once I've read it if I think it might make a good post to read.

I will see you tomorrow for Day 9...


Zoo | Easter Holidays Day 7

Hello Everyone,

Today I went to.....THE ZOO.

As you can probably tell, I was very excited. Originally, we were going to play mini golf which I didn't mind and then there was a change of plan.

I hadn't been the zoo for 3 or 4 years so I was really excited. We saw loads of animals, plus I had my camera so I was happy. I took 315 photos so I'm not going to show you every single one but I'll show you a few.

We saw animals like: Monkeys, Elephants, Lions, Tigers, Butterflies, Bats, Frogs, Tortoises, Giraffes and so many more.

Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of Bats to show you as the Bat Cave was very dark and you were not allowed to have a flash on your camera to protect their little eyes.

Some of the pictures you are unable to see very clearly because, inconveniently, the animals were behind a glass or plastic screen and the flash would have reflected off the screen and you would be unable to see anything at all, so apologies in advance.

"Wait up dad!"

"Your banana is so much nicer than mine!"

"Fine then, we'll go that way"

"Who you lookin' at?"

"Please leave me to just sit here in peace"

"Hahaha, you thought I was a leaf"

"I'm gonna go, it takes me a while to get home"

"Can I come out now?"

"You, hurry up and eat that banana cause I will if you don't"

"Hey MTV, welcome to our crib"

"I feel so freeeeee"

"I will sit here all day and do nothing. Walk away with your camera now."

"You dare come near here, I'm ready to get you."

"Mmmmmm, more grass"

"Have you took it?"

"That's gonna hurt when he lands..."

"Quick! Dig, Dig, Dig"

"Lovely hot sun rays...ahhhh"

"4 metres and growing"

"Mmm, straw."

"Mum, Dad and The Kids"

"I'm tired of swimming, I'm just gonna float"

"Pink Ladies"

"He's not dead, he's sleeping. Girl power for an hour"

"She said what about my pose?"

"I'm off now, bye"

"Where did I put it?" 

"Boo! I betcha didn't see me behind that tree!"

Hope you've enjoyed this, I know I did. And I hope you also liked my captions.

See you tomorrow for Day 8...


Wednesday 3 April 2013

Dentist & Drama | Easter Holidays Day 6

Hey everyone

Today I've been to the dentist. I had one filling and two teeth out (if you care) and all I have eaten is rice and jacket potato. My mouth feels really weird and I just want to eat more of my easter eggs.

I've also been to drama at a theatre in town, we rehearsed a scene and recorded the audio for a piece we will be filming next week.

That's all for tonight, I'll see you tomorrow for Day 7...


Tuesday 2 April 2013

Not A Very Exciting Day & Art Work | Easter Holidays Day 5

As you can see from today's title, I haven't had a very interesting day.

I went to visit my nan all day today and we went for a walk to the shops and back and all day I have done art work, although I do a lot - well, it feels like a lot - I still never seem to get anything finished. I have been doing some artist research work in my sketchbook and I just don't feel like I'm close to finishing. 

At the minute in art, I am doing abstraction work so abstract artist research is required, alos, I have to find two compositions in my house and draw them in my sketchbook. An idea that was given to me by a teacher of mine was to look from a birds-eye view into my sink for example and if there is cups or cutlery in there then draw what I see. I like the sound of that idea so I think that will be one of my chosen compositions.

I feel like although I haven't really had much to talk about today, this seems like it flows well. If you like the sound of the composition art work in your house, why don't you give it a try, you might discover a talent or hobbie you never thought you had. Try the birds-eye view of the sink for a starter for yourself and see how you enjoy it.

Thank You for reading today's post and I wish you the best of luck with your drawings, have a lovely day/evening/night whatever time it that you're reading this and i'll see you tomorrow for Day 6...


Easter Holidays Day 4 Pictures

Here's some of the pictures from yesterday's post from the Squirrel Reserve and the beach. I just chose a few that I liked and you may enjoy.


Monday 1 April 2013

Squirrel Reserve & Beach | Easter Holidays Day 4

Hello everyone, today I've been to the squirrel reserve and also to the beach thats right by it. 
It was lovely to be out for a few hours and be able to walk slowly and take pictures.

I have posted this really late and I've left it too late to put the pictures on, so, they will be up early in the day tomorrow and I will have my Day 5 post to also write tomorrow!

Hope you have enjoyed reading this short post and look forward to seeing some pictures tomorrow.

See you tomorrow for Day 5...
