
Monday 15 April 2013

Last Day | Easter Holidays Day 18

I don't want to begin today's post all cheery because it's the last day of the Easter Holidays which means I'm back at school tomorrow. On the bright side, I get to see everybody I haven't seen for two weeks.

I've spent my day with my nan today. I have FINISHED my art homework, finally!! Woo!
We also went shopping and being the delightful granddaughter I am, I carried all of my nan's bags for her.

I've literally spent the rest of the hours in my day watching videos of Russell Howard on YouTube. This is probably another topic you are sick of hearing and reading about but the new series start this Thursday so expect excitement.

I am currently watching Broadchurch which is a murder mystery drama in the UK. I think tonight's is the last one so I'm excited for the ending.

I hope you all liked my "Alphabet" project yesterday and I have another piece of excitement. This blog is 100 days old tomorrow and my goal was to reach 300 views by then, I imagined it was going to be a struggle and each day I'd say "no, I'm not gonna make it, I've got my hopes up too high" but I certainly underestimated my viewers and I apologise greatly for that. Before I post this, I'm on 351 views! That's astonishing, and my blog isn't even 100 days old yet. I do put in the effort and I love this reward that I get back and I really do hope you enjoy it because I enjoy writing.
This is getting soppy now so I'm going to stop and for the last time I will say

I'll see you tomorrow, but, only to celebrate 100 days old. Love you all lots my lovely viewers.


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