
Saturday 6 April 2013

A Nothing Day | Easter Holidays Day 9

Hello everyone, for the second time today - isn't that nice.

Before I start, I wanted to go into town today and look in a few shops that I had in mind but I read my horoscope this morning and it told me to 'let go of my plans for the day' so I did just that which resulted in my day consisting of nothing worth blogging about. 
I should have really saved my project idea for this post. 

I walked to the library with two overdue books and might I add, it's not my 'local' library so once I'd got there to return them, it wasn't even open. So it took an hour and a half and I achieved nothing. On the other hand, it was a lovely day weather wise, which helped make the journey much better because the sun was out.

Aside from that, I have not done much more so I do hope tomorrow will be a bit more exciting.

If anybody wants to contact me for any reason at all, or maybe you're just feeling extra nice and want to drop by and send me a little quick email, you can email me on Please do send me an email, or maybe you want to tweet me, I'd love to here what you've been doing over the holidays, how was Spring Break for you Americans across the pond? I'd love to know if you've used or liked any ideas I've talked about on here. I am planning on creating a 'Contact' page for the twitter, instagram, tumblr and email information but I haven't got round to that yet.

See you tomrrow for Day 10 - double digits already! 


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